Chance always wants someone to come outside with her. So, while I was sitting outside watching her one day, I took the camera. First, Chance. Then, these scrub jays swoop down and steal little walnuts from the yard and go up on the fence or wires to eat them. They have to be fast or Chance will get them. She thinks those are her walnuts and not for the birds. Then, being lazy I pointed the camera at the sky and caught an airplane going into the clouds. It's a big jet plane but looks a little small here. Same plane, different cloud dooley
Chance is a good dog, trying to protect the walnuts from the maurauders. That jay's feather colour is the same as your sky. I'd love to see one in real life some time.
Pretty Pics . . . I like to sit on my porch too . . . but I don't have a good buddy like Chance to wait on.
I have never seen a scrub jay and I try to take a picture of planes and I have not been lucky at getting it...they seem to be moving too fast for me..I have planes going over all the time with being so close to the airport. ..thanks for sharing, great pictures... Give Chance a big hug for me....Sherry
You had a good ole time, didn't you Dooley. I like the looks of that jay. I'll bet they are smart birds.
That jay is beautiful. Ours are bigger and very aggressive with other birds. Good for Chance...mine chase the chipmunks!