Had a walk along the beach and came across this little guy waiting for mam. ( photo / image / picture from Kildale's Garden )
He sure is cute. He looks rather sad, or scared. Did he re act to your presence? He also looks pretty young, hope he is alright!
Didn't look worried at all about my being there. He just moved slowly down to the sea but I didn't see it enter the water at all. Mam should be back to look after him.
Kildale, I'm glad. His mam must've been off on an errand It's Nature's way... Is it common to see these guys? You sure live in a beautiful part of our world!
There have been a lot on land in various places. There were a couple of bigger ones, one was an elephant seal in a ditch. I didn't go to see it though. A couple of whales were washed up a few miles from here. There is also more bears on this island than any other area of equal size. It sure is great for nature.
We only have two types of seals that visit our shores - Common Seals and Grey Seals. It always annoys me how many people think the pups have been abandoned when they see them on the beaches. The rescue services are always innundated with well meaning, but misguided, folks bringing them to their centres. My rule is always to let nature takes its course unless the animal is suffering or trapped in some way. I hope your youngster makes it Kildale.