Is there a specific type of Iris that you are looking for? Siberian, Dutch, Japanese, German Bearded? I will have some Blue bearded Iris to move this fall. You can see them in this topic...First of my 'popsicle' ladies is blooming - 2 new photos I can let you know in about Sept when I start thinning the bed.
I have some Lilac (light purple) Double Bearded Iris I'm looking to thin this fall. I'm going to be posting pics of them later tonight hopefully.
I have some double bearded fragrant darker purple Iris's I can ship you. Carolyn just go 2 tubers from me. I mailed them to Ohio and the cost was around 6.00 dollars. They smell wonderful. They are a prolific grower and I have a ton of them. My Grandma said that you can move them after they are done blooming. Mine are done if you want some I'll dig them and ship them out on Monday or Tuesday of next week. :-D