There are 100's of flowers that we pass on the roads and never give them a thought, until now. Here are some that I have photographed over time for you to check out and see how many are in your area. Just click Wasteland Flowers. There are qute a few.
We have most of those wildflowers here in Scotland. The only ones that I'm not 100% sure of are The Oyster Plant, White Sweet Clover, American Vetch and the Pearly everlasting. Amazing how many species we have that are the same!!
I think that most of them came from the UK. A lot of the seeds etc. came in the horse feed that was shipped here. Then a lot of the people wanted plants from home.
Lovely blooms. We have most of them here too. I actually like the dandelion blooms in the field, because then they're not in my garden.
Very nice collection, your photographs are always excellent. Is the Pearly Everlasting a variety of strawflowers (common name)?