so, this past several days we have had tremendous water pressure at our house. it has been phenomenal to say the least. way better than we have ever had for water pressure. now, all you men might or might not think... 'gee, maybe we should check into this sudden difference ..." or nah, its great lets not worry a bit about that." not even the pin hole spray in the elbow on the irrigation fitting for the injector spraying out of the inside angle.... nah. nothing to really see or think about. shrug. when it breaks we will fix it. I keep thinking maybe I should call Del the water guy who fixes all our well and water softener issues. yeah, maybe thats a good idea. so, I went to the basement office where the water pressure tank is at and saw the carpet is soaked the pressure relief valve is dripping steady and.... the pressure gauge is at 100 PSI. WHAAAAT!!!!!????!!! yeah, thats an emergency right this moment! do you all know just how much damage a 100 psi water tank that blows can do. trust me. I don't think the insurance company would have been real glad to hear we had a second incident with the very same issue.. again. a blown tank is bad. very very bad. lots of water. this would have been a mess had I not checked it. the pressure valve got stuck in the open position. glad nothing more major had happened... so far. I hope it didn't ruin any of the plumbing and we just haven't noticed.
PHEW Carolyn you must have been meant to go to the basement office when you did. Hopefully, you've tackled the problem before any damage was done. I'll keep my fingers crossed that the plumbing is OK.
Eileen, I went specifically to check the pressure tank. before I even looked at the gauge I could tell the carpet was wet.... thankfully (so far) we haven't seen anything major from this. I do have a fitting (elbow) in the greenhouse that has a pinhole in it from the pressure but now at least it is just wet and not spraying. I checked that last night when I was out working on tomatoes. sheesh. We went through one explosion of a water tank maybe 15 years ago or so... I am sure its would still be on our record at the insurance co that we had another very similar but different and same results experience... that was a mess. all the vinyl and all the carpet the wood work, the office equipment/furniture... all had to be replaced.
Man you really dodged a bullet Carolyn!! Hopefully the worst of the damage is that pinhole in the greenhouse Fitting!