Catkins mentioned on the gas survey that she pays for her water , here in Ireland its free to domestic users . Do you all have to pay ? and how much . 8) Bugs
Here in Scotland we pay £166.50 for water and £188.10 for sewerage (goes up every year) on top of our council tax.
Can't remember off hand what ours is here in our part of Essex, but it is very similar to yours Eileen. Don't mention to those in charge that we don't pay fresh air tax or they will get ideas!
We pay quite a lot for our water - in fact, I think it's my highest utility bill, though that includes sewer too. The fees cover the processing plants that clean it, funds to protect and clean streams and rivers, the city service/pipe repair, etc. Thankfully it rains a lot here, so we don't need to run and run it.
I don't know exactly what we pay for water except it runs approx. $32. per month. It will probably double as I've been using an extra lot recently. We have a town water company with their own wells. We have septic systems for sewage. Each property has their own. No town system. We don't drink the water. It leaves a scum around the cups and glasses. It doesn't taste very well either. We buy bottled water (25cents a gallon) for drinking and making tea and coffee. We've been thinking of buying a filtration system to put on the water lines coming into the house. Dooley
I was in the Bay Area of CA for about 5 years in the past, and I remember how we had a water service then - everyone had water coolers in their kitchens and the 'water guy' came around and delivered huge jugs of water, picking up the empties like an old-fashioned milkman might. No way would I have ever used the water we had for drinking - I didn't even like to put it on my houseplants. I was very, very grateful when we were able to move back to our part of Oregon where our water is good right out of the tap, but I know some parts of the state use 'water guys' or filtration systems too.
We aren't in the city, so we all have our own wells and septic systems. We have no water bills. However, every once in a while the pump goes out, which is over $1000 (US) to fix. Very inexpensive in the long run, $100 or less per year if you prorate it from the cost of the pump. We installed a new septic system for around $4000 (large one). That should last us 30 years.
We get our water from Severn Trent, but via the farmer, so we have a meter of our own (no rent for the meter) and a 'septic' tank for sewerage. We pay for the water we use, about £120 maximum. I say 'septic' but they are not really, they are seperation sytems. The solids settle to the bottom of the tank and the liquid drains off into deep drains in the fields surrounding. Every year we have the solids removed, that costs last time £70. We reckon we pay less now than we were doing when we moved 11 years ago.
Coincidentally I've just recieved an email from my sister in law in Brisbane Aus. The water tanker has just arrived with 3000 gallons of water which costs betweem 60 and 85 Aus dollars . We dont pay for sewerage either . 8) Bugs
We live in the country so we have our own well and we have a septic system. We had a test done on our well water and we were told we have really good water the only impurity found was iron, which is good anyway!!
Free water ?? thats shocked me somewhat, mine is around the same price as Eileens, it depends on what authority you are with, but i think they are all relatively the same.The government are talking of putting in compulsory meters here, that scares me. Catkins