I live in zone 8a and my yard is zoysia grass spotted with weeds. Do you recommend a weed and feed or should I lay weed killer than follow that later with fertilizer? Which is more effective? Also any suggestions on which killer or fertilizer would be the best?
Have you thought of using a more eco friendly method of weed control? I for one hate chemical weed and feed anything. Gardens Alive have some and they are not to costly. We are going to use their Iron X weed killer this spring. It is for the control of broadleaf weeds. Just a thought. Like I said I would rather use natural stuff as we have pets and a lot of wildlife in our yard.
Also, get a positive ID on the weeds, some thrive in poor soil so if you use anything on it that also kills be beneficial critters, you might be creating the perfect environment for the weeds. If they do, then by feeding your grass, it will make the soil too rich for the weeds to grow.
YW-it is more of a slow fade. You spray it on and repeat the treatment in 3 or 4 wks. It dries in about 3 hrs and after that it is rain fast. Which is a good thing. Glad you are thinking about staying on the green side so to speak. Here is a list of the weeds it kills: Dandelions, english daisy, false dandelions, white clover, black medic, bull thistle, common chickweed (this little weed is a power house of good stuff to eat in ones salad), creepiing buttercup, persian speedwell, slender speedwell, broadleaf plantain, dovefoot geranium, healall, shepherd's purse, silverweed cinquefoil, wild chamomile, moss, algae, liverworts, and lichens.
Hey, not all weeds are bad. Take that plantain for example. It is a great compress for bee stings. Zap it in the microwave til it wilts and apply it like a bandaid. In 5 minutes you will never know you got stung. And clover feeds the bunnies and bees use the nectar for honey.
Yes you are so right Carolyn. A lot of weeds are really good for one to eat and for medicinal purposes. But I'm afraid most folks just see weeds. Dandelions are also really good to eat. But alas they are usually the bane of most gardeners and folks who like a weed free lawn.
yeah, I know. Dandelions are great for bee stings, too. Pull any part of the plant and let the sap well up and dab it on a sting...no more pain, either. I do still swell, but the pain is gone immediately. Lambs quarter and purselane are a great addition to a salad. very nutritious.
Have you tried using organic methods to help get rid of your weeds? One way to do it is by using boiling hot water. The heat of the water when poured on the weeds will cause them to shrivel up