Our "hard" frost arrived on Friday night. Before ( photo / image / picture from gfreiherr's Garden )[/ After ( photo / image / picture from gfreiherr's Garden ) The only blooms left are my knockout roses and some pansies that I just planted.
Gail, Those roses do still look pretty! Your tree lost a lot of leaves in a short time, didn't it? We have had such a warm, dry fall here and had the first real hard frost last thursday night. I had to finally give up my Impatiens, Coleus, Zinnias, and Vinca *sigh* Still have a few survivors, but their days are numbered... :'(
Awww. Welcome to the frost-club. We've got white again. Well, only four or five months before it's spring. *tries to sound cheery but fails dismally*
Kay...those are not leaves in the bag...that's my garden flowers in the bag, mostly impatiens. I got most of them before they turned to mush! Droopy, thanks for the "cheerful" thoughs of Spring, lets hope this winter is milder than last year!
Gail, your garden is still pretty, even after the frost! We had a light frost Fri. and Sat. nights, but up here on the hill it was so light that it didn't harm any plants (the chickens were fluffed out in the morning, though!). I'm dreading the first hard frost--all that frantic picking in the vegetable garden. Last year I finished up by flashlight!