I also harvested radishes and leeks. The small lettuces are called succrine and the large one is a butter lettuce.
Oh yeah, I got 6 eggs and I just planted asparagus crowns this spring, so I will have to wait 2 years.
That is an eggshell in the compost. Today i harvested lettuces peas and carrots and a few strawberries for my daughter.
Lovely fresh tasty lettuce,..then peas carrots and the strawberries,..envy envy here Odif,.. we really do scrutinize pictures you post as we are very interested in your gardening,..hummerbum well spotted seeing that eggshell
I harvested some lettuce, swiss chard seedlings for greens, and baby spinach! We shall have a great salad tomorrow!
I love this picture.... thanks for clearing that up! Didn't want you to find that days later and step on it by aaccident. Would have been really bad!!
I found 30 eggs under a low growing shrub. time to make chicken soup. picked strawberries- just a few, and snow peas today.
Picked green beans and prepped them for freezing. A dear friend stopped by for eggs, beans, cucumbers, squash, red onions, and a loaf of French bread. She has been so kind to us in the past that it is a real pleasure to share our garden with her.