What has been the best day(s) of your life...

Discussion in 'The Village Square' started by kuntrygal, Nov 2, 2007.

  1. kuntrygal

    kuntrygal Texas Rose

    Sep 3, 2007
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    Texas ~ Zone 8
    My two days are my childrens births. My son was totally unexpected as I was merely a child myself. But I have never regretted giving birth to him. Now that he is a man of 45, he brings much joy to my life. On the other hand, my daughter was completely planned for and after months and months we were pregnant. I almost lost her three times... so when she arrived with 10 toes and fingers and a head full of raven black hair... I felt my life complete. She too has made me so proud of her.
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  3. Droopy

    Droopy Slug Slaughterer Plants Contributor

    Aug 11, 2007
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    Western Norway
    If I leave the birth of my three children and my wedding day out of it, the best day of my life was when my husband bought me my very first horse. I could have flown home without a plane.
  4. eileen

    eileen Resident Taxonomist Staff Member Moderator Plants Contributor

    Feb 7, 2005
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    Apart from births and weddings my best day was the day we bought our cottage. Before that we'd lived in a cramped flat with a very small piece of land. It was lovely to be able to have a dog and watch the children run and play with it in our garden.
  5. WTxDaddy

    WTxDaddy In Flower

    Jul 30, 2007
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    West Texas
    best days

    The birth of my daughter - my only child - was certainly one of the best, but she's made some better! I think the bestones are when she makes me laugh long & hard.

    One day, she was asking questions and one was, "Daddy, why do we eat?" I answered, so we could grow. She then responded, "Big and fat like you?"

    Another time, I was giving her a bath (she was 3) and she decided, she would wash me. I offered my right arm & rolled up my sleeve (no, I do not take a bath with her!), so she could scrub it up to the shoulder. She noticed the hairiness of it and said, "You're furry - like an animal!"

    Another bath story. My wife has taken baths with our daughter and one weekend, my wife was out of town and I'd worked in the yard all day and was filthy. I decided, I'd put on a bathing suit & get in the tub with my daughter. When I proposed this, she said, "No - I don't want any stinky boys in my bath!"

    Just a few weeks ago, it was show-n-tell day at school. The themeis always something that starts with the letter they studied that week. This particular week, they'd studied "N". We were scrambling around trying to find something in the house that started with "N: for her to take to school. She came up with this soultion, "I can take nothing to school - that starts with "N"." My wife and I were very pleased at her intelligent decision, but we ended up realizing, we had a stuffed Nemo doll, so that went to school.

    And back when she was 9 months old, she was on the deck with my wife as I walked past, taking the garbage to the dumpster. As I walked out the back gate, she said something, which I did not hear. On my way back, my wife asked me, if I'd heard her. I said, I hadn't. My wife said, she called you Da-Da." I walked up to the little bundle and looked her in the face and asked, "What did you call me?" She responded, "Da-Da." my heart soared that day.

    Just watching her play, or read, or mess around on the computer, or break into spontaneous & extemporaneous original song - about anything at all. These things make me very, very happy - happier than I could've ever imagined. And they make me wish, I'd started having kids before I was 42 and make me wish, I'd started sooner, so I could've had more. I love it when her friends are over to play - a house full of little kids running & playing is such a wonderful thing!!

  6. Netty

    Netty Chaotic Gardener Plants Contributor

    Nov 4, 2006
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    Southern Ontario zone 5b
    If I don't count the births of my 3 children, I'd say the best day was when we moved into this house. We had always wanted to live in a big old house in the country and it didn't seem real until the day we moved in.
  7. Biita

    Biita Arctic-ally Challenged Forager

    Oct 31, 2007
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    The happiest days of my life,, to start with it would be the birth of my son an daughter, my 2 gorgeous granddaughters, an my marriage that i have now. everydays a happy day of your life, you just have to recognise it when it happens. life is a wonderful thing when even looking at something as simple as my dog sleeping an dreaming. So for me, aside from my family old an new, everyday is the happiest for me. :stew2:
  8. SusieQ

    SusieQ Seedling

    Feb 16, 2007
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    Florida USA
    The more carefree 50's & 60's when you didn't even need to lock your doors, we were young having fun, never knowing the best years of our lives, were at hand.. that one day the world would be in crisis, or that the human race was going to be ruining it,slowly day by day, year by year..
  9. bethie

    bethie Young Pine

    Jun 8, 2006
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    I would have to say it was 20 years ago when we packed up everything we owned and left the Big City of Norfolk Va. and moved to a tiny town in rural West Tennessee. The country life was calling us. The laid back lifestyle, open fields and endless parade of critters sang their siren songs to us. To this day it is the GREATEST! 8)
  10. Calomaar

    Calomaar Deputy's Friend

    Mar 2, 2007
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    Land O' Lakes, Wisc. Z - 3b/4a
    It's hard to pick any one as the single best. Our wedding day, the birth of our only child, our daughter Jo Ann, her wedding day, the birth of our two grand children, all rank at the top for me. On a more selfish line, moving into each of our homes, the day I started my business, the day I retired. The day after my heart attack, knowing that I have survived it. But for now, each day that I wake up and find that I have survived another day is a good day. And a good one is coming up, the kids are coming to our house for Thanksgiving, that will be a good day too.
  11. Droopy

    Droopy Slug Slaughterer Plants Contributor

    Aug 11, 2007
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    Western Norway
    If I am allowed to add:

    I have just been told that I'll be a Grandma again, in May. So now this is one of my happiest days.
  12. kuntrygal

    kuntrygal Texas Rose

    Sep 3, 2007
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    Texas ~ Zone 8
    Absolutely you're allowed :) With that kind of news :-D Congratulations :!:

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