A gal's gotta have some fun, right? So I've taken up show jumping. This is me and my dear Truls: It's great for dispelling those winter time blues. We've got between 20 and 30 cm (8-12 inches) of snow outside, delivered yesterday and the day before. *sigh* Well, gotta dash, I've got more show jumping to do.
So, did you ride Truls to the Great Wall of China, or did you both take a plane ride? If Truls likes broad-jumping, I think he could tackle the Grand Canyon.
A foot of snow, I would tell them to take it back. Mongol hordes would have appreciated a horse like Truls that could jump the great wall. Jerry
Look up in the sky, it's a bird, it's a plane....no it's Super Truls and his faith full sidekick Droopy. Don't give her any more ideas, Great Wall of China, Grand Canyon, Victoria Falls, the Dubai Tower.
You are one crazy girl.... Truls' name ought to be Pegasus, and yours.... Hmmmmmm let me see now......
I'm sorry about all my mischievous behaviour but I very much want to get my hands dirty. The snow's raining away at the moment so with any luck we might get digging sometime next week. I can't remember having looked so much forward to back aches before. The girls have already started planting. On a small table next to our window there's a rather big pot full of soil. The girls put a potato in that pot, and now they're eagerly waiting for shoots to appear. They're such sweet, little darlings.