I was very good this time, although I did forget my little pumpking looking squash I wanted to try. This is from Park Seed: PORPHYROCOMA BRAZILIAN FIREWORKS MARACAS 2. IMPATIENS PEACH BUTTERFLY HYBRID 3. CORKSCREW VINE (VIGNA CARACALLA) 4. MORNING GLORY MT FUJI MIX This is the 3rd year that I have ordered the corkscrew vine, they were always out of seed. I ordered online this year, a lot easier. I was very surprised they still had them and the Brazilian Fireworks. Can't wait to see them.
Sounds like a good start on seed ordering. Can's wait to see pictures this spring and summer. I haven't made up my mind about anything. Many things I think I want and most years I take way too long to make up my mind. I just have to get in there and do it.
I usually overdo it and then don't get everything started. I have so many seeds from trades. There is two more small orders I want to make, one from Burpee for torenia seed, which would do good in Texas by the way. And one from Select Seed.
I received two more seed catalogs today. I go through marking things I like. DR thinks I intend to buy all of them. Mostly I just mark things I'd like to order and then wait and think about it. I do go to the nurseries and look at everything too. I have a lot of trouble making decisions about what I want to plant. I'm more of a spur of the moment buyer. Dooley
I have not yet decided exactly what to order, but I know I want to try Mt Fuji morning glory. There are so many things I'd like to try this year but I have to remember my budget!