- a process of shedding their exoskeleton by splitting open the back of their brittle exoskeletons and wiggling out. Hope you enjoy it. ( photo / image / picture from songlim18's Garden )
We find these all over the place every summer. We have Dog Days Cicadas that come out every year in late July/early August...the time called the Dog Days of summer. It can be kind of creepy to see an empty bug shell hanging on a tree trunk or the side of the house
Isn't nature just wonderful?!! The exoskeleton is perfect in every way and what a wonderful photograph you got of it songlim. We only find the sheds from dragonflies, damselflies and spiders around here.
We rarely get to see stuff like that, but we did the last time we were in Greece. I think it's so cool.
We buy live locust to feed our lizard, and they shed just like that. It is amazing, and a great photograph. Natures great!