First of all, my grass is still green! That's just wrong. I'm ready for a foot of snow and Christmas lights to go up. It was 78º last week in Iowa. The past month I've passed my state real estate exam (on the first try!). Got through all the interview process to join an agency, and am getting my things together to start full-time in January as a real estate salesperson. Should be interesting, new career for me. I'll still teach some piano, but it's now "hobby" status, I think I'll like it better that way. I'm taking additional real estate classes in the meantime. A career involving homes, who'd ever thought I'd do such a thing?
Hi PL we have really missed you around here. You mentioned the exam before and I knew you had your hands (and head) full. Congratulations on passing it with flying colours! Welcome back!
You have been really busy.I have missed you.Good luck in your new venture.You will be great at anything you do.
Great to hear from you Pianolady!! Congratulations on passing your real estate exam first time. Good luck with the new job and the rest of your classes. :-D Hope you'll pop in now and again and let us know how things are going for you. We miss you.
I do to Pianolady.I am proud of you.New job and all.More education look forward to seeing more of you and hearing about your new job.
Hi Pianolady, you have really been missed. Congratulations on your accomplishments. The best of luck in your new career. It's good to have you back.
Congradulations Pianolady! Way to go! Oh, and my grass is still green here too! In fact, if it ever stops raining I'll have to give it one more cut!