What kind of vacuum sweeper do you use?

Discussion in 'Home Improvement, DIY and Repair' started by carolyn, Apr 20, 2012.

  1. carolyn

    carolyn Strong Ash

    Apr 13, 2011
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    I am in need of a new vacuum. I bought an upright from bissel a couple years ago (with a 5 year warranty) and I hate it, it's a bagless with a HEPA filter. I have a kenmore cannister vac which I have about worn out that uses a bag, I would get another in a heartbeat IF I hadn't used a Rainbow Sweeper. What kind do you have and would you buy another one like it? The problem with a rainbow is the price :eek: .
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  3. Sjoerd

    Sjoerd Mighty Oak

    Apr 11, 2006
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    I do not know if you have the same brands there as we do here, but I use a Bosch. I have used a Miele in the past.

    The Bosch is a small, egg-shaped one but works VERY well. It uses bags.
  4. stratsmom

    stratsmom Flower Fanatic

    Aug 23, 2006
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    Southern Oregon
    I think mine at home is a Sharp and it uses bags. I had a Dyson for awhile and it was pretty good, when it was new. I liked the "bagless" idea until I learned that most of the allergens were escaping back into the house :rolleyes: I think Mom has the Rainbow but it is too much for her to drag around since her surgery and chemo. I would shop shop shop around and read everything you can get your hands on! I have always gone for the cheap one and been sorry every time :-? Sometimes you really do get what you pay for :)
  5. carolyn

    carolyn Strong Ash

    Apr 13, 2011
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    I am not familiar with their vacuum sweepers. Here Bosch mainly markets tools. I don't think I have ever seen a vacuum. I'll try looking at a large hardware store. Maybe they will carry them.

    Deanna, I agree, the IDEA of a bagless sounds great...until the dust is creating a cloud as you vacuum. I would have never bought this one had I know the HEPA filter was 30.00 to replace. I JUST replaced it and it needs replaced AGAIN. I don't think it has been 3 months. I am so disgusted. it really wasn't a cheap vacuum, but I got a great deal on it...Which in the end has been NO deal at all. It even has a five year warranty on it, which was one of the reasons I switched to a different kind this time. BUT I HATE IT NOW!..They must market these for people who don't plan on having to vacuum more than once a week or maybe a month, who knows? but It really doesn't fit our needs here.

    The Rainbow is looking better and better. I saw one a couple years ago on Craigslist for 300.00, but didn't have The $$$ at the time to spend. It was just a bad time of the year for me. It was a find for whoever did get it.

  6. stratsmom

    stratsmom Flower Fanatic

    Aug 23, 2006
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    Southern Oregon
    Isn't it amazing how something so minor as a vacuum could make you so crazy! :D :D
  7. marlingardener

    marlingardener Happy

    Aug 23, 2010
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    Central Texas, zone 8
    Vacuuming? Next you'll tell me you dust furniture! Sheesh, the things folks find to occupy their time. :rolleyes:
    Actually, I have an Eureka World Vac, upright with attachments and uses a bag. It's about 16 years old and works fine. The only thing I've had to replace other than bags is the zipper on the bag holder. I never realized how hard a vacuum had to work until we moved to the farm. Where does all the dirt and dust come from?
    Look at Eureka--it's mid-priced, reliable, and parts and bags are easy to get (if you'd need a part, that is.)
  8. carolyn

    carolyn Strong Ash

    Apr 13, 2011
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    Yes Deanna! Crazy!

    Jane, On occasion (vary rarely, though) I do have to see the floor. Just to know that it is still there. You are asking me where all the dirt comes from? are you kidding me? Kevin and Adrian bring everything back in that they can't fit back in the hole each day. That is where it all comes from, I am sure.
  9. cuatro-gatos

    cuatro-gatos In Flower

    Oct 23, 2007
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    Southern California
    Carolyn, we bought a Kirby from a door to door salesman about a year and a half ago. It was incredibly expensive, we should have never spent that kind of money. But that being said, I think we
    have bought 3 or 4 less expensive vacs over our 19 year marriage. In theory, this should be the last vac we ever buy and perhaps we can put it in our will to hand down. Not only is it a very effective vac, but it converts to a carpet shampooer.
    My only complaint other than the cost, is that it is a bit of a production to use the attachment tools.
    According to the salesman, the bag-less type become less effective in time.
  10. carolyn

    carolyn Strong Ash

    Apr 13, 2011
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    cuatro-gatos, I have used a kirby and I am not sure I would want the production of the attatchment issue, either. That said, yes they are expensive, but they vacuum very well. The bagless type???? I think your salesman was correct. at first they are great, but not so after a while :( .
  11. Annette

    Annette Seedling

    Mar 10, 2007
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    buffalo, ny
    i had a canister vac, was old, one wheel...well, when i had new carpet installed, i decided to get a new vacuum. i purchased an upright (bagless) and used it for about a month, and had enough..it felt so heavy to push back & forth (pricing was one reason i went with it)..so i said to heck with it & went and bought myself another canister vac (with bags). not sorry i did. much lighter to use & has more power. (plus, i bought it at sears, and i needed repairs (2 times) didn't cost me a cent to get it fixed).
  12. koszta kid

    koszta kid Young Pine

    May 6, 2011
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    For my cleaning business I have Oreck. And bought bag less Oreck canister. Yesterday I used at customer house. Has 2 cat and 1 dog all long hair.On hair wood floors. This is after using micro fiber swifter. I clean it off with Fuller-Brush lint brush.I used brush on their sofa; 2 chair and 2 bedspreads.1/2 grocery sack full of hair. Then did floors-under frig,wall curtains,etc. I emptied it 3 times. But at end of day-clean it out with air compressor. Run hose out garage. Seen one lady cleans hers with vacuum at car wash when doing car.Some have filters. can stick in bucket and wash let dry
  13. Cayuga Morning

    Cayuga Morning Strong Ash Plants Contributor

    Jun 15, 2011
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    New England
    We have a whole house vacuum that was here in the house when we bought it. We have had it serviced once in 17 years. We have had to replace one of the outlet, but my husband was able to do it. I don't know how much these cost, I am sure they are expensive, but they sure do last. The previous owner had it installed 12 years prior to our purchase. What I like about it is that the dirt collector is outside the house, in the garage.
  14. carolyn

    carolyn Strong Ash

    Apr 13, 2011
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    Koszta Kid, You are a wonderwoman!!!!!!That is a lot of cleaning, YUCK to have that much hair all over the house!!!!

    Well. anyway I still haven't bought a vacuum to replace the ailing ones I have. I have been out in the garden or at a market 6 days a week this summer. I don't worry too much about being spic and span clean, but I do want the house cleaned on occasion, and a decent and efficient one would make it easier. I still need to buy one. The second wheel came off my canister vac last night as I was cleaning the steps. The first one was broken off by my son doing skateboard tricks in the basement :rolleyes: oops. and now the hose is taped with duct tape...but it still sucks up the dirt!

    Cuyahoga M, I had never used a whole house vacuum before we built our house and I sure wish we had put one in, but we didn't think about it then. We put an addition on 10 years ago and I thought we didn't need one only in the addition...maybe I should have had that done and stretched the hose to the end of the original part.

    Thanks for your input. I want to try a few of them before I buy one. Getting a vacuum is almost as bad as getting a new mattress! You need to try it out for a week or two before committing to one!
  15. koszta kid

    koszta kid Young Pine

    May 6, 2011
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    But this customer clean also-but had been sick. I only clean there every 2 weeks. I have cut back.I use to never say no $$$$. But I'm 65 3/4 not going to work full time like my Grandmother. But Dh helps me clean 2 times a week.But I could vacuum here 3 times a day. New yellow lab should be bald. And 2 rescue cats. Inside cat will not let us comb her out. And I will take care of customer I did yesterday soon. Going to there cabin. Will take care of their cats and the FISH -3 tanks. And she called me her $1400 kirby died. I had my upright Oreck in Jeep. Hasn't just belt-was smelling motor.So darn heavy I call it her Harley. Bags for the darn thing $5 each.
  16. LynnD

    LynnD Seedling

    Jul 22, 2012
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    Western PA
    Dyson. We've had it for 4 years and it does as great a job as when we first bought it. We now have another, the compact version that we keep in the camper. Love them both, one is a rollerball version the other is not.

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