What should I plant in a small raised bed?

Discussion in 'Herb Gardening' started by kensclark15, May 12, 2012.

  1. kensclark15

    kensclark15 New Seed

    Apr 11, 2012
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    Springfield, OR
    I tend to over exagerate or under exagerate size, so the raised bed is around 3 x 2 feet to 5 x 4 feet. I can only plant what I have in it so I'll give you a list of what I have: 3x clary sage, 3x lovage, 4x tai chili peppers, 2x giant sunflower (edible seeds), 6x St John's Wort, 3x Scutellaria Lateriflora, 3x Scutellaria Incana, 1x wild bergamont, 6x Mugwort, 6x gotu kola, 2x chocolate mint, and 6x roman chamomile. As you can see, I have a lot. Most of them have not germinated yet. The ones that have are the clary sage, skullcap, tai chili peppers, sunflower mugwort, and some of the st johns wort. The chocolate mints are cuttings which I rooted. Should I put a Mugwort in there? They get pretty tall and bushy though. Also, this is part of my medicinal herb garden so I don't know if I can pair any herbs which are alike.
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  3. kensclark15

    kensclark15 New Seed

    Apr 11, 2012
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    Springfield, OR
    I also have a rosemary plant and a small lavender plant.
  4. carolyn

    carolyn Strong Ash

    Apr 13, 2011
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    I am confused as to the actual size of your bed. Do you have exact dimensions? Is it 3x5 feet or 2x4 feet? Take a tape measure to see for sure. I don't think you are going to get much in a bed that size. Only put a couple of plants in it, whichever ones you want, to keep the plants in optimal health. Crowding tham will not help them to be productive. If it is 3x5 I wouldn't put more than 2 pepper plants in it. We plant peppers 22" apart in the garden. Look up the plants you like or want the most and see what their mature size is and then choose to fit the space. Hope this helps some.
  5. marlingardener

    marlingardener Happy

    Aug 23, 2010
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    Central Texas, zone 8
    Whether your bed is 3x5 or 2x4, the clary sage and lovage will fill it. If the chocolate mint takes off, it will take off and fill the bed, drape over the sides and head for the woods! Rosemary alone will get 3' wide within two or three seasons, and lavender can get very large with a bit of encouragement (adequate water).
    Start making new raised beds to set the seedlings in; move the chocolate mint to a pot; and get the rosemary and lavender into a bed that will accomodate them. They may be little plants now, but herbs really grow and grow and grow!

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