When sign makers go on strike, is anything written on their signs? When you open a bag of cotton balls, is the top one meant to be thrown away? Why do they report power outages on TV?
LOL That reminds me of something that happened during Hurricane Charlie, I think it was, two years ago. We were living in Jacksonville, Fl at the time. Well, Charlie didnt hit us but moved to the left of Jacksonville...or to the right...either way, he jsut missed us but we had the storms that go with them hitting land. Well, being as we were living in a trailer, I was nervous and stayed up all night ..just in case. Well, I was watching the local news tv station that was doing all night coverage on the storms.The were serveral tornados that were moving around the area. One hit not far from our place and we lost power the next morning....but thats a different story. So,anywho this was about 3 am and the tv news man comes on, and I swear to god its the truth, "If you can hear me and your lights are out , they are working on getting them restored." He went on to talk to these ppl with no power around the area. HE was saying things like," Dont panic and stay inside. There are powerlines down." HE had me rolling....made it was just because I was so tired from being up... but that just got me.