Pea's have sprouted, and I got my onion plants from Dixondale in 'Tejas'. I'll be planting those tomorrow. Peppers and tomato's are needing to be up-potted. Cabbage starts are looking good too. 60 hour weeks are taking a toll on this old man.
Hey, watch out for those Tejas onions--they can get as big as basketballs! Our garden is behind because we had so much rain. Yes, I know, I shouldn't complain about rain in Texas, but sometimes a bog is a bog, and you need to admit it! We have everything in the ground except the corn, which will go in this coming week if weather cooperates. The vegetables are popping up, the potatoes and onions are looking good, and we have roses and other perennials in bloom. All in all, it is green and happy around the farm.
Not much happening here ... the bulbs are still just poking out about an inch yet. I do have garlic up in the veggie patch up about 4 inches.
Our weather is so weird this year. It keeps snowing one or 2 days a week. Daytime temps are in the 4oF and 50'sF but nights are still below freezing. It's starting to get me down. I want to start planting!!!
Just got potatoes, kale, pea and Bibb lettuce seeds in the ground today. Feeling like the garden clean up has begun.