@Logon nice bright yellow Primula vulgaris. I don’t have any flowers this time of year in my zone . Mr Frosty took care of that. But I do have some winter interest : berries on English Holly and Japanese Holly, Rose hips = pure Vit-C, enough for rose hip jelly, and a few berries left on the Oregon grape -‘Mahonia’ that the birds left before they flew south for the season.
Pac— you’ve great berries. Luvv’em. Loggie— it is a joy seeing your Primulas Nothing at all blooming in my flower garden…but the dwarf Rhodi and the Shizostylus have buds. Look out now !
Pac - I can't believe that you still have oregon grapes and rosehips. I'm greeen greeen ( or maybe blue and red) with jealousy. The last few weeks I've been bending down the last frozen wild rose bushes so that the hips are more easily reached by the Rough Grouse. They're pretty funny to watch, they leap into the air ( very awkwardly), clamp onto a frozen rosehip, hang suspended for a moment with the rosehip in their beak, and then fall to the ground - quite pleased with their accomplishment. It's a rosehip comedy show. Holly is so pretty. Thanks for sharing that photo. @Logan - those are one of my favourite flowers. So happy to see your blooms. I can buy them in the grocery in the spring, keep them alive indoors, and plant in May. They overwinter - to become one of my first spring flowers. Tough little primulas.
Melody rose hip story so funny thru your descriptions of the grouse snagging rose hips. Worth a giggle. We haven’t had a hard freeze yet but it’s not far off . I spent time cutting holly with berries and evergreens for table scapes. No bugs… too cold for any insects. That’s a good thing!
Mel— that grouse story is amazing. Wouldn’t that make a great pic ! Are you completely winterised there now? BTW— do you sometimes make rose-hip jelly or jam?