I get all these gardening catalogs and then start working on a "Wish List". I am pretty thrifty so I am always watching for stuff to go on sale....so until then it's on my "Wish List". Right now this is an abridged version of my wishlist: Harvest Moon Echinacea Coconut Lime Echinacea Pink "Silver Cup" Moonflowers Pink "Soul Mate" Asclepias Amethyst Toad Lily "Heaven's Gate" Coreopsis So what is on YOUR list? :-D
You know, I feel that way too when looking at certain catalogs--of course they have beautiful pictures too...makes it even harder!
What's on my wish list - well just lets' say I'd need about another 5 acres, a MASSIVE greenhouse, a BIG polytunnel and a HUGE conservatory to hold them all!!! If everyone would stop posting photographs of all their gorgeous plants then maybe, just maybe, my wish list would be slightly shorter. At the moment top of my list though are black flowers. I already have black tulips, black violas and a black and whie cobra lily but would like black iris and black hyacinths too.
oooh, I really love unusual flowers....I get so impressed with black ones. I saw some the other day...I think they were irises. I'll bet they look very striking in your garden!
Let's see flower wise: Brunfelsia 'Yesterday,Today, and Tomorrow' Alternanthera "Purple Knight" Black Bamboo Coral Bells Huechera Lots more daylilies Bedding mix so I don't have to fight my clay soil, mulch, and a large greenhouse. So lets see, about five or six thousand should do the job.
Sharon, I don't think I am familiar with any of those except for maybe the Heuchera. I will have to look them up! :smile: Well, I guess I should add more yard and a wonderful irrigation system . A saucer magnolia tree too....
Every Year I say I want to grow some annual poppies and promptly forget about them. Next year for sure! I know someone who has the black bamboo and it is beautiful.
I want more daylilys, spiders, orange ones, red ones, pink ones and yellow ones :-D I also want some of the black flowers, I just recently had a friend give me some black hollyhock seeds, so I need to get those going. I also really want bird & butterfly attracting flowers and plants. I live in the city or suburbs and I want to be surrounded by wildlife as much as possible. Oh well I probably want them all too. Jo
Big piles of actual Soil and a strong team of workers to spread it all, a new roof and automatic watering system for my greenhouse, and time to enjoy it all. Beyond that, Toni send me some veg seed varieties I'd never heard of, so I'm a pig in slop watching them grow. Oh, and a big load of bark to mulch down the weeds between my raised veg beds.
I would wish for more land as I only am working with .13 (yes less than a quarter) acres !! We are first home buyers and I've crammed what I can in our small area. I have a modest veggie garden and plantings all the way around the house, mostly roses. I wish for a healthier larger veggie garden...
My wish list is A new DSLR Camera (Cannon or or Minolta) 4 gig memory card 75-300mm zoom lens free tickets to go any where i want to in the world.