My hubby and I have our own lil Convertible sports car that live in our garage. In the summer we rarely put the tops up. We have regular cars if it's going to rain. When we go out of the garage we usually leave the doors open. So one day when I was going to my exercise class I was not alone. Check out what hitched a ride with me. When I told the story to my little exercise class everyone had to come out to see him. He was just so cute there watching us. So I did my errands for the day and came back home with creature in tow. He stayed there for the afternoon and left that night. It was fun.
"Froggie went a'courtin" in a convertible? That is one up-scale frog. Nice of you to chauffeur him/her!
Well, how in the world did that beast get into your auto? Is it a toad or a frog? What an amazing foto.
Cute Barb. One day a few weeks ago I was visiting my MIL next door when I saw a nice little tree frog perched right behind her head on the swing. If she had better vision I think it would have startled her. It was pretty cute. I brought it home and put it in the flower bed.