Had a young buck deer eating some posies in the back yard. My wife called at me that we had a deer in the back yard. So I went into the kitchen and looked and sure enough he was nipping off the tips of the Fall Astors. He was headed for my red mallow and the tomatos. So I went out scared him off. I went out the back door andhe just stood there looking at me. So I hollaered and waved my arms and that spooked him into moving. Have checked a couple of more times but he hasn't come back.
There must be something ultra attractive about your property CK. You're obviously growing all the plants that the critters love to munch on.
Sounds like the deer we have at work...they think the veggie garden is their personal buffet. They just stand and stare at us when we try to scare them away.
Hey Droopy- at least those dainty little hooves leave a small imprint..when the occasional kangaroo decides my vegetable garden looks like his supper, and sits back to consume it by grabbing the tomatoes or lettuce or whatever looks good with his top arms and paws, his back legs, which hinge like an arm, each squash a row about three feet long while his tail which is about six inches fat and four feet long squashes another row behind him... On the upside, they only eat tiny portions
Hmmm...after reading your post Ausiegardener, I'm starting to think the deer aren't so bad after all!
Now I have a goofy squirrel that was rolling around in the grass like a dog with an itch. And then he jumps up on a stump and starts jumping up and down like he is trying to drive it into the ground. I think they have a stash of weed that they are chewing on!
The muntjac on our allotment eat all of the new shoots of everything. Everybody is now netting their plots to try and keep the pests out. beautiful, but a nuisance.
Muntjac are very cute little deer that we have in abundance in Essex. Not native, but they have settled in, and they are incredibly destructive for such small, cute deer. I love seeing the wildlife, and I am happy to share with it, 50/50, but the muntjac are greedy and want 100%.
Oh my I am sitting here laughing - and wishing that I could also experience these animal antics. I stil wish for a farm (but i will settle for a smalholding one day.)
I had a deer in my yard Tuesday eating the loy leaves of my mimosa tree.She was acting like she was hunting something.She must have placed her baby somewhere and it moved are lost her mom as she looks like last year does.I tried to call Dooley as it went on toward their home but didn't reach her.