I bout some cilantro and flat leaf parsley from a grocery store. They are not all that big now but wandering when I can pick them for use in the kitchen and how exactly how to do so. I hear to just cut the leaves and I heard to cut at the base for better growth. Not sure what to do.
I just pop outside whenever I need to use some herbs and snip off the amount I need. I always take new growth from my plants and they don't seem to mind. :-D
OK but they seem kinda small I'm worried if I snip to much to soon it will die. Also my cilantro I don't think is doing to well, it only has about 12 leaves total
Probably give them a few weeks, they are using their strength to get acclimated to their new digs. I usually pinch herbs like that off a little way down the stem from the bottom leaf. Herbs are beautifully designed in that they grow thicker and lusher if you routinely pinch off a bit here and there. But do leave enough leaves for them to do their photosynthesizing!
I have never grown cilantro before, but I have grown curly and flat leaf parsley and my advice for these would be if that the plant is still small I would leave it for a while until a little bigger because if you take to many leaves off when the plant is to small the plant will not recover as well as it would if the plant was bigger