Where Our Gardening Happens.

Discussion in 'Flower Gardening' started by Sydney Smith, Dec 6, 2013.

  1. Sydney Smith

    Sydney Smith In Flower

    Nov 16, 2013
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    HI all. Had a thought that whilst we all love and are very rightly proud of our gardens and the effort we put into them it would be nice to see where it all happens and also the surroundings - we see our gardens - what does it see of us?. I will kick off with a couple of pics of my locality. Syd.

    ( photo / image / picture from Sydney Smith's Garden )

    ( photo / image / picture from Sydney Smith's Garden )
    Frank and oubee like this.
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  3. marlingardener

    marlingardener Happy

    Aug 23, 2010
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    Central Texas, zone 8
    Syd, I'm happy to see you posting--that means the ghastly storm in Europe hasn't affected you. Then, is your house the one with the cedar fence between the brick pillars? I was guessing, since your last name is Smith and the other house had a big "H" on the white pillar.
    This is what our locality sees of our little farm:

    path from house to barn ( photo / image / picture from marlingardener's Garden )

    Outbuildings ( photo / image / picture from marlingardener's Garden )

    Pond in autumn ( photo / image / picture from marlingardener's Garden )
    Of course, these photos were taken when the weather was nicer!
    Jewell likes this.
  4. Droopy

    Droopy Slug Slaughterer Plants Contributor

    Aug 11, 2007
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    Western Norway
    Hey, Sydney, I can only see the outside of your garden. Please, please let me in! *bangs on the gate*

    I'll have to upload my garden photos another day since I'm just passing through the Stew this evening. :D
  5. eileen

    eileen Resident Taxonomist Staff Member Moderator Plants Contributor

    Feb 7, 2005
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    I've joined Droopy outside your gate Syd and we're longing to come in and visit.
    Love the fence you have as it affords you lots of privacy and looks smashing into the bargain.
    I'm so glad that the storm yesterday doesn't appear to have affected you.

  6. Sydney Smith

    Sydney Smith In Flower

    Nov 16, 2013
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    Hi Jane, Droopy (a name would be nice), Eileen - all.
    Glad you liked my two pics, will take some more of the surroundings through the woods which are the beginning of many more and much wide open space. Ref garden pics I have a problem - I am a very keen though amateur (like gardening) photographer - garden, birds, any wildlife, out and about etc. Take many hundreds of pics every year (the beauty of digital cameras) but in Autumn I clear the decks and delete many of them - added to that I am not hot on PC's and have managed to delete a number I intended to keep. Consequently now have very few pics of the garden through this year - will find what I can later - I did earlier post some on site in "Unsorted Photos" - perhaps also look there.
    Jane. Just to use three words out of many I could think of to describe your location/farm/garden - wow superb and beautiful - that I would like. Ref the pond picture I try to fit in a little water colour painting (much to learn) and thought what a wonderful subject it would be for this. All credit to you for your plot - enjoy.
    Ours is the one with the fence and just for interest the "H" is a sign used here to indicate that there is a fire fighters Hydrant to connect to in the path.

    Droopy. As stated will try to find a few pics - thanks.

    Eileen. Again sorry about the pics. The fence does give us that bit of privacy which I think we all need. I did say that we have serious problems with Moles here and that the front and side areas are sheeted and shingled to prevent this - sadly it means loss of usable planting space and so apart from a border of mature shrubs along the side to next door, a couple of clipped conifers, a large Bay and a Hibiscus all else is in containers in the front behind that fence - looks neat though and as time goes on more containers will no doubt be added. I hope this topic takes off since it is so nice to look at and talk about our own and other folks plots.
    Regards. to all. Syd.
  7. eileen

    eileen Resident Taxonomist Staff Member Moderator Plants Contributor

    Feb 7, 2005
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    I don't know if this was just coincidence Syd but we had a mole problem here too some years ago and here's what we did. We went out each day (to the consternation of our neighbours) and jumped up and down wherever the molehills appeared. After a couple of weeks I think the mole had a serious headache problem and decided to move on to other pastures. Then again maybe it was the vibrations it didn't like as I'm sure I saw him wandering about with his little suitcase headed for the woods. ;) If you could create some kind of loud, vibrating sound each day maybe yours will up sticks and disappear too.
  8. Sydney Smith

    Sydney Smith In Flower

    Nov 16, 2013
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    Hi Eileen. Have just been out and taken some pics of surroundings etc and also can send a few I sent to unsorted photos a while back. Will attach a selection at end of this.
    Ref the Moles they are very much widespread and numerous in this County, I think I said when we moved in here it was dreadful particularly in the front garden and that piece at the side next the woods. Tried all things including electronic device but gave up and sheeted and shingled as stated - this has stopped them, I did resort to trapping them before that and caught a few but they are very canny creatures, All round our locality there's nice open green areas with mature Trees on grass and a heaven for Mr. Mole - their hills are huge. Glad that your "headache" treatment did the trick for you with them. Have a pic of their activities to post in "coming garden year" topic but waiting for a comment so as not to double post.

    ( photo / image / picture from Sydney Smith's Garden )

    ( photo / image / picture from Sydney Smith's Garden )

    ( photo / image / picture from Sydney Smith's Garden )

    ( photo / image / picture from Sydney Smith's Garden )

    ( photo / image / picture from Sydney Smith's Garden )

    ( photo / image / picture from Sydney Smith's Garden )
    Jewell, Kay and Cayuga Morning like this.
  9. Jewell

    Jewell Incorrigible Gardener Plants Contributor

    Dec 17, 2008
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    Puget Sound Region of the Pacific NW,Zone7b
    Sydney, what a lovely garden! Your surrounding woods look like a great place for a walk. Can't wait to see more. :stew1:

    Had to go back a few years to find a photo of the house from the street. The trees cover it up in the summer so I've never really gotten any photos since they have matured. Friends and neighbors are always surprised at how big the back yard is since the front is so small.

    ( photo / image / picture from Jewell's Garden )
    Droopy likes this.
  10. Sydney Smith

    Sydney Smith In Flower

    Nov 16, 2013
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    Hi Jewell. What a lovely winters photo - it would make a great Xmas card - the snow looks quite deep. Looks like you have plenty of nice mature trees around you as we have - I do so love a good mixture of deciduous and coniferous trees in together. You are another walker I guess and what is nicer, do you also when walking have a camera with you - so much to see for sure - bet you are a keen birdwatcher also. Its fair to say I think that any person who loves gardening will also love all things "Ma Nature" as I call her and take a great interest in it all. Look forward to seeing some pics of your back garden with the surrounding trees.
    The woods next to us open up into a large open rough grassed area with more woods and it all goes on for miles happily - the owner generously allows folk to walk round it all. Of the trees immediately next to us its a mixture of Beech, Chestnut, Robinia, Birch, Oak, Pine and others. A "special" is a lovely 50ft Larch growing right alongside. Will attach a couple more pics of the open area. Syd.

    ( photo / image / picture from Sydney Smith's Garden )

    ( photo / image / picture from Sydney Smith's Garden )
  11. marlingardener

    marlingardener Happy

    Aug 23, 2010
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    Central Texas, zone 8
    Syd, your gardens are so neat! Tidiness is such a virtue, sadly one I don't have outside the house and barn.
    I love your wooded area--Central Texas is tree-deprived except for mesquite. Please, more pictures of your gardens and the wooded area!
  12. Sydney Smith

    Sydney Smith In Flower

    Nov 16, 2013
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    Hi Jane. Thanks for that but again may I say your farm is superb and a real credit to you - gosh I'd love to own it. Ref neatness (especially excessive neatness) I guess it can be overdone at times as with me - its a habit I have had since being in the army years ago and it has stayed with me - at times it can cause stress. A good general level of neatness is fine but ... nature in many respects is far from tidy but still very beautiful.
    Best wishes to you, nice to talk with you. Syd.
  13. cherylad

    cherylad Countess of Cute-ification Plants Contributor

    May 5, 2009
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    S. Liberty County - Texas (8B)
    Syd... beautiful home and gardens. Love that sunroom!

    Jane... I love that walk you have to take to get to the barn.

    Jewell... that's a postcard worthy photo of your home.

    I've been sorting through my photos for my "year in review" post. So here's just a few to show what it looks like around here. I'm at the end of a dead-end road which is 150+ yards back from the "highway"... a 2-lane Farm to Market road. Only neighbor is about 60+ yards away. I'm pretty much surrounded by neighboring pasture-land.

    the front yard - facing north ( photo / image / picture from cherylad's Garden )

    front yard - facing south towards highway ( photo / image / picture from cherylad's Garden )

    back yard - facing east ( photo / image / picture from cherylad's Garden )

    back yard - facing north ( photo / image / picture from cherylad's Garden )

    back yard - facing west ( photo / image / picture from cherylad's Garden )
    Droopy and Jewell like this.
  14. Donna S

    Donna S Hardy Maple

    Feb 15, 2010
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    Hi Syd, Love this post. It's nice this time of year to walk through every ones gardens. My home sets about 200 ft. from the highway. And my front yard is mostly huge oak trees, magnolias, pine and moles and voles. My back yard is where I spend my time. Most of these pictures were taken from the roof top in 2012 and 2013. I am in the flight path of army helicopters and I have had them give me two thumbs up when they fly over and its all in full bloom.

    View from highway. ( photo / image / picture from Donna S's Garden )

    2012 gardens ( photo / image / picture from Donna S's Garden )

    2012 ( photo / image / picture from Donna S's Garden )

    2012 ( photo / image / picture from Donna S's Garden )

    2012 ( photo / image / picture from Donna S's Garden )

    2013 ( photo / image / picture from Donna S's Garden )

    ( photo / image / picture from Donna S's Garden )

    New raised veggie beds. 2013 ( photo / image / picture from Donna S's Garden )

    My favorite - My greenhouse. ( photo / image / picture from Donna S's Garden )
    Droopy, Jewell and oubee like this.
  15. marlingardener

    marlingardener Happy

    Aug 23, 2010
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    Central Texas, zone 8
    Cheryl, magnificent landscape you have created! I remember when you made the cedar fence--I was eaten up with envy (still am, but I'm getting over it).
    Donna, you are so creative and imaginative--love your gardens, lay-out, and the path to the greenhouse (more envy--I need to stop looking at these pictures.)
  16. Sydney Smith

    Sydney Smith In Flower

    Nov 16, 2013
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    Hi Cheryl - Donna - Jane - all. I thank you all so very much for this great response - just exactly what I was hoping for when I started the Topic. I am going to use that word "superb" again for all I see here in your pics - I take my hat off to you all. Beautiful and so much care and thought gone into it all - makes my tiny plot look very insignificant next to it. However and whatever we are all gardeners together and that lovely mutual bond which exists between us ("same thinking" folk) is a joy. How I envy you in the US that spaciousness in terms of property distances etc compared to the averagely cramped conditions here. Thanks again, a pleasure to talk to you and enjoy your pics - top of the form. Lets keep it going, so much more to talk about. Regards. Syd.

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