Where to plant Clematis, Jessamine and Roses?

Discussion in 'Flower Gardening' started by StarLiteFarms, May 6, 2007.

  1. StarLiteFarms

    StarLiteFarms Seedling

    May 4, 2007
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    Oklahoma, Piedmont
    I found it!! My clematis plant. Each year (for the last 3 years, its only grown 1-2 stems and then they both die.. so this year, I thought I would move it, but i couldnt remember where exactly i planted it.. well, I dug around and around and there it was... with 1 tiny 2 inch long stem poppin up. I moved it where it got a bit more sun. Although its not in the spot i want, i just want it to get established and grow more than 6 inches tall with one stem. Wish me luck on this. Im ready to actually enjoy a clematis at my house for once!! I cant find the right spot to plant it for good!! Any ideas? Im in Zone 7 in Oklahoma. Also, i just got a carolina jasmine 'butterscotch" .. I dont know where to plant this either. I WANT to plant it where my 2 rose bushes under the tree are but I dont know how the plant will do. My 'Climbing handle' rose, decided that i had cut it to much and now its just what looks like a red rambler or something. Im sad about that as well. So, Since i dont have good flower beds up front, I have to figure out where exactly to plant the other roses. Im trying to figure out what the name of one of my roses.. I have one that is similar to Tropicana. Anyone know other names of that similar color of roses? Sorry with all the ?s Just need some info! (;
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  3. teddyedwards

    teddyedwards New Seed

    May 1, 2007
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    Liverpool, England
    Hello there! I too have just bought my first Clematis!

    Pruning has put me off in previous years but from what I have read they do OK if left alone. Mind you, I have to grow them first :D

    The notes on my plants say that two of them can be planted in asny aspect in well drained, moist soil. while I should avoid a South aspect for the third.

    The location I intend is at the bottom of the garden and although the top of the trees there get full sun, the bottom is fairly shady for the majority of the day.

    I wish you lots of luck with yours. I'll keep you posted on mine if you will keep me posted on yours 8)
  4. bethie

    bethie Young Pine

    Jun 8, 2006
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    Spring blooming clemmies like their roots in the shade and the rest of them in the sun. I am also in zone 7. I plant my clemmies with a small shrub, like a boxwood, right in front of them. This shades the roots and they do really well. Your jessamine needs to go in the sun, not under a tree. They are fairly large and will readily climb a trellis. This can be just chicken wire between two posts or they happily ramble along a fence. This is another good zone 7 plant. 8)
  5. StarLiteFarms

    StarLiteFarms Seedling

    May 4, 2007
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    Oklahoma, Piedmont
    thanks for the replies. I have a new leaf growing on my clematis! :) I dont know what type of clem it is.. its dark purple and for some reason i thought it starts with a N?? could be totally off though lol. I planted my jasmine on the east side of my house.. along with all my other roses. The ground is better there and Im hoping it will climb up on my walls. Its so far actually growin already! But, with all the rain weve had, things are slow! Not alot of sun. The flowers on my east side get sun up until about 130 in the afternoon. I Think this helps some what so they arent getting burnt up by the hot summer suns.. Weve cleared the drought now here in OK so i am not as worried about the well running out lol. had that happen after watering the horses and cows ! Good luck with your Clematis Teddy!! Keep us posted! :)

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