I'm wondering what type of cell phone works the best :-? My phone has been supplied by my employer for years and that was great! However, we all had to upgrade and I had to leave my good old flip phone and move to a Verizon Commando smart phone, I absolutely hate it :'( Way too complex for me! I want a phone that rings and dials-that is it! Am I the only techno-phobe out there??? This thing is really making me crazy :-x Moderator's note: added a more descriptive title to topic
I like the LG Vortex. It's a smartphone, but its simple and easy to use...plus its nearly indestructible. I've dropped it numerous times and it will not break nor does the screen crack. It has basically everything a normal smart phone has, but the interface is easy enough to figure out.
You are not the only one out there...not that I shun or hate technology, but I don't need anything other than to make a call or receive a call, no web, no calender, no camera, no nothing!...I have a trac phone. I, too, just got a newer one and I liked my old one better, though.
Us Cellular lot of problems. With new billing system .Friend just got her bill $800 And is $90 each month. Not one to talk in much. Been real pain to get it cleared up.
I do not like any cell phones at all, and do not use them. I like normal phones, and my cordless phone because it has caller ID. My DS tried to tell me that my cordless phone works like a "normal phone". No it does not. It does all kinds of things a "normal phone" does not, and a cell phone does even more. I told him that NORMAL phones do not take pictures, connect to the internet, play electronic games, have date books and calendars, etc. Normal phones only make phone calls, period.
Sounds like you should maybe look into one of the prepaid phones. Best buy, target, walmart and most carriers have them now. The prepaids are often the older simple phones with no frills. They can be as little as $20 a month and you can pay in advance or as you go. Sorry, I love my older iphone and use it almost as much as my tablet. It has even replaced my kindle, camera, calculator, alarm clock and timer. Much easier to carry around. My hubby teases me because I don't use the phone part of the phone that much. We text and email much more to communicate (work schedules/jobs/clients and commuting keep us from picking up the phone every time it rings). Face to face with Skype or FaceTime is cheaper and more personal to communicate with loved ones than phoning. Love being able to show off the latest photos (poor coworkers) or read a book waiting in line. We even dropped our old land line number after having it for 40 years. Guess I am old but converted.
I usually don't use the internet on my phone unless I need to find a quick way around traffic with its GPS...which isn't totally reliable, but it works. I usually stick to text messaging, but I really do prefer actual calls to messaging. It just feels more personal. I used to play games on it, but not anymore. I guess you could say that I really only use it to talk/message people rather than to have the internet with me 24/7, but to each their own lol.
While I love my iPhone, I know that it's not for everyone. Because I am a busy Mom, it is my phone, messaging system, camera, stereo, map, computer etc in one. My DH on the other hand, only has a simple pay-as-you-go phone because he only uses it for making occasional calls. It all depends on what you want to use it for. If you just want it for calls, I would also suggest a pay-as-you-go from target or walmart.
I have a very simple phone... but am looking into getting a smart phone. My old phone isn't easy to text with... and as much as I have preached to people to not text me... they are still doing so. I can see the benefits of texting, like if someone just has a sipmle yes/no question and don't really need/want to chit-chat. But to sit there all day long typing back & forth? I don't think so. I'm at a computer all day long... so emailing has been my main means of communicating. But I could definitely see how having a second way of accessing the internet would come in handy. Like when my home access is down. Or if wanting to do research on a plant while out shopping. Plus, I've been thinking of getting a new camera and since some of those phones have pretty good cameras these days, it could save me some money. So I've been talking to friends and checking out their phones to see which one I might like. And now... I can see what Stewbies recommend.