I bought a great wooden table at a thrift store last weekend... it is great except that there is a white mark on it. The lady I bought it from said that it was a burn mark but other people have said it looks like a water mark. Either way does anyone know how to remove those?? Thank you!
Most likely it is a water mark. Take some furniture oil (not spray, but the bottled kind)like lemon oil, and a pad of very fine steel wool. Saturate the pad with the oil, and start rubbing VERY GENTLY in a circular motion. When the mark disappears, rub with the grain, then wipe up the excess oil. Since this table is old, you may find that you have to clean the entire surface so you don't have a lighter (cleaner) circle where you removed the water mark. Water stains are generally black, and impossible to remove without stripping, sanding, and refinishing. Sometimes you even have to use muriatic acid on a stain. Burn marks you have to live with, or have a professional refinisher do what he/she can with shellac sticks. Wish I could find thrift store goodies like your table!
It might be the spots of mold. As mold is the common problem in houses and offices. Mold or fungus infestation are two most common culprits of humans. Look at your ceilings, walls, and floors, particularly in areas where there are stains. I think you must hire a mold inspector for inspection.
Since the mark was on the table when she bought. it is more likely to be a water mark caused while in the home of the previous owner. And since it happened before she bought it there, it is highly unlikely that there would be any mold problem in her home.
Spread some mayonaise on a paper towel, place on stain/water mark, press down slightly, leave on about 15 mins. For older stains can be left on over night. If no mayo available oil can be used.