My dear husband let me slip my leash and go to the feed store--we came home with five pounds of Yukon Gold seed potatoes. We've never grown these, so it is an experiment. We'll still be putting in our Red LaSodas, but this will be interesting! We also found Winesap, Fuji, and Yellow Delicious fruit trees at a very reasonable price--good looking trees. So, now we have to dig three big holes! Lordy, I love having the space to fool around with plants, and a husband that lets me!
Well I did some Spring cleaning this morning. Going to get it all done so when the days comes for gardening nothing can stop me. I spent the afternoon sprucing up the greenhouse. Don't anyone or anything get in my way, cause I'm getting geared up.
I didn't know Winesap apples would grow in Texas, thought they needed more chill hours than we get here. I have heard that the others are low chill and do well in Texas. I have been growing the Yukon Gold potatoes the last two years, just a few and they are delicious.
Toni, we aren't sure how well the Winesap will do here, but we figured to give it a try. Even if we don't get apples, we may get a good looking tree. Glad to hear you've had good luck with the Yukon Golds. If there is an Atwood's near you, they have them now, and also Red Pontiacs. We grow potatoes as much for the fun of "dibbling" around to get the new potatoes as we do for the taste. New potatoes, fresh from the garden and steamed lightly (after washing, of course) are so very, very good!
I saw the title of this thread and my first thought was to wonder if those seed potatoes looked anything like sesame seeds. Can you tell I don't vegetable garden?
i know your feelings because i also have the same. I love when seeing my little plants growing up day by day