This is such a hard time of year. I want to be in the garden day and night and do nothing else. If only I could have my way. Unfortunately that isn't the case. I have slowly been cleaning up the debris from the patio/bricks and weeding the trampled pathways. A little bit each night after work. The dogs have decided they like to nibble on tulip flower buds (the fancy ones only of course that seldom come back the second year and I only splurg on every five years...grrrrr). My yard is pretty wild in a sort of organized wild way. wildness in the garden ( photo / image / picture from Jewell's Garden ) bleeding hearts just beginning ( photo / image / picture from Jewell's Garden ) Most of my plants and bulbs are ones that have naturalized themselves and are tough things that have brought great joy to me. The native trilliums that I have planted. The pacific bleeding hearts that were on the property 25+ years ago when we moved here and the wood hyacinths that are everywhere and I still want more. naturalized wood hyacinth and pacific bleeding hearts ( photo / image / picture from Jewell's Garden ) wild hyacinth ( photo / image / picture from Jewell's Garden ) trilliums (wild ones) ( photo / image / picture from Jewell's Garden ) A very late and new to me daff is the Sir Winston Churchill. A white double with multiple flowers on each stem. Unfortunately the slugs like it almost as much as I do. I have been hand picking the slugs off every morning. I don't pick slugs :-? yuck! Close-up of Sir Winston C. ( photo / image / picture from Jewell's Garden ) Sir Winston Churchill ( photo / image / picture from Jewell's Garden ) I continue to have die off of the lilacs. Fortunately they continue to come up from the roots. There is little show this year though and most of the white lilacs have migrated back to the neighbors yard where they started from originally. lilacs are blooming ( photo / image / picture from Jewell's Garden ) I am trying (for the third time) the fancy and smaller calla lilies. I have never had much luck with them but .... Now the big old white ones have never failed me and I love their big white flowers. They don't bloom until much later being on the north side of the house. new calla lily ( photo / image / picture from Jewell's Garden ) The pear tree is finishing up its blooming cycle and the apple trees are beginning. The miniature iris are really nice this year (dividing them last year really did help) more mini iris - planting in the patio ( photo / image / picture from Jewell's Garden ) pear blossoms ( photo / image / picture from Jewell's Garden ) Miniature iris and apple blossoms ( photo / image / picture from Jewell's Garden ) I am trying a new to me color of lewissia, and my sweety bought me a rat tail cactus to round out my love of all flowers pink and lavender. new color (for me) of lewisia ( photo / image / picture from Jewell's Garden ) blooming rattail cactus ( photo / image / picture from Jewell's Garden ) Now I am so far behind in reading and seeing all the gorgous flowers and blooms from other Stewbies I need to take a day off work just to browse the forums. Oh guess I can't do that...Summer is coming closer and then maybe I will have a few extra moments and a rainy day to sit at the computer and enjoy. Happy gardening all.
Jewell you have the kind of garden that I love. Each time you walk around it you notice something different. Beautiful!!
Jewell, I just love your garden and I especially love your affection for it. It always comes out in your writing and your pictures. They are all so pretty -- I would love to wander around and see it all in person. I think I'll look again. The lewesia color is fabulous. The naturalized areas -- I just love that look. Love it all.
I love your "wild" garden. Woodland gardens are my favorite. I love spring because the colors are so vivid and the foilage is so green. I had a beautiful woodland garden in Virginia with pathways and sitting areas...I really miss it. I like the photo of the calla lily and pear blossoms but they are all beautiful.
Beautiful gardens Jewel, I love the wild look you have established. Everytime I try for the wild look, it comes out looking more unkempt and ratty. Can we see more photos of the garden area?
Jewell, your photos are lovely! I saw all my favorite colors, pink and white. I had Sir Winston Churchill Daff's once upon a time. They were gorgeous, and fragrant too. They just didn't come back the second year. I often wondered if someone liked them and dug them up?
Thanks for all for the kind comments. You are all so much fun to share with. Toni, I love sharing my garden, so eventually I will try for a more over-all photo. MaryAnn you are right I am infatuated with the garden. It is photos from other gardens shared on GS that have inspired me to try to aquire a few new varieties of plants. Even when I don't have time to read the forums I browse the photos on GS. You are all such inspiring gardeners. Barb the rattail photographed is a different variety than what I sent you. Your's is probably a Selenicereus validus. I have had a dickens of a time finding out what it is. It will flower but probably have white flowers. Netty, sorry to hear about your daffs. People are funny and you never know what they will take. Guess everyone just wants some beauty in their lives. Happy gardening all,
You've got a delightful wild garden there! It's a look we're striving to get but we end up with a very different garden no matter what we do. I love your blooms. We've got a few of the same but they're not blooming for us yet.
That is an awesome garden. I would love to have stuff naturalized and growing wild like that in mine. I'm slightly "green" with envy. Those are great photos. I love the ones of the fern and bleeding hearts and...well...all of them really. That Rattail Cactus is something else too. Again great garden!