Well friends as U can see IM BACK. Im having a problem with stray cats that hang under my front bush and wait for the wild birds to land for feed. Some birds land but it looks like a ghost town. I go out to call my birds (now you know Im going crazy)but only few come to eat and Im using the seed cakes I know they like and also loose seed from a feeder. Any help I would appreciate stay warm cause we're getting more snow in the old apartment which I don't want to see. But sleep warm and have a good week. ed
There are several brands of spray cat repellents available at pet stores or you can make one of these recipes HERE Does you city have a animal leash ordinance? If so you could possibly borrow a trap from the city, they should come out to get whatever you catch and take it to the local animal shelter.
Cats Toni NJ does have animal control but all I want is the cats to stay away from the birds. I will call tomorrow Thanks sleep warm ed
Ed, Sprinkle cayenne pepper or black pepper around where the birds feed. They won't mind it and the cats will hate it. See if that helps. There is a repellent made of black pepper that you shake around where you don't want the mammals...they aren't real fond of the hot feeling that the pepper makes.
My brother IL and sister IL lived in an apartment complex in NJ while looking for a house. People would move and leave the cat/s behind. The buildings had a craw space under them with vents around all sides without any grills on them. The cats would turn wild very quickly and breed. It was astonishing how many cat lived in the craw space. You never seen dead cats laying around so I suspect cannibalism. I think it would be more humane to put them down rather than letting them starve to death.