This is the season for wildfires and since we haven't had any measurable rain for months it is tinder dry here. So, you would think people would be really, really careful, right. But, going to work last night we passed a fire right along the highway. Someone probably threw out a cigarette butt. Fortunately, there is a wildfire crew stationed here in Mayer and they were there quickly. There are three houses in the immediate area and someone from there probably called. It only burned a couple of acres but it could have spread more quickly if it had been a bit windy. There are thunderstorms in the 10 day forecast. We really, really need the rain but we will have to be alert for lightening caused fires. Nothing is easy. You pay for everything. There is a fire burning on the rim that is lightening caused. It's burned over 1,000 acres. The rim is Mogollon Rim. It is a large area that ascends rapidly into the mountains creating a miles long cliff like area. It's beautiful country. It's a shame for all those trees and things to be burned because of carelessness. There are fire restrictions in place everywhere in Arizona but with the holiday campers heading out, there is sure to be a few that think it doesn't apply to them. Oh, well! I'm just hate fires caused by carelessness. Dooley
I hope you get some 'real' rain soon Dooley before any more serious fires take hold. Some people obviously don't have any common sense!!! :-x
It is extremely dry here too Dooley and we have fire bans across most of Ontario. Farmers crops are drying up, people's wells are running dry. A lot of big trees are losing their leaves due to the drought. I saw someone throw a cigarette butt out the window the other day and it made me so MAD! Weatherman calls for rain tomorrow and I sure hope he doesn't let me down!