While getting the pond pump flowing, (very small pond) a hummer was hovering all around me, two feet away, trying to have a shower. I wondered if I could help her. I took a hose with a fine jet and as she sat in the tree above the pond I sprayed her. She really liked it and flared her tail out and had a good shower. Then another hummer came and as the first bird left, I sprayed the other one. Got to try it again with camera handy.
Gosh you not only supply food but now you're giving them showers too. Next they'll be wanting full board and lodgings!! Seriously though it would be wonderful if you could find a way of getting a photograph of one of the hummingbirds having its shower.
That sounded interesting. I have seen that sort of thing in Australia on really hot days. I never imagined it with hummers and then where you live. I do hope that you can get it on film. I shall stay tuned.
I was out there a minute with the hose before they started coming. I ended up with three hummers having a shower. Not easy to take the pictures with one hand on the camera and holding the hose. Here are some efforts, you can see the water streaks on one of the shots and her long beak.
Oh boy she really looks as though she's enjoying that!! They'll be queuing up each day now hoping you'll be out with that hose again.