As I have posted here before, this is my first try at gardening. I have sown seeds of lavendar, 8 sweet pea seeds, coriander seeds and hot pepper seed about a week back. I have not soaked any of these before.All I did was put the seeds in pots with potting soil in them(miracle Gro),sprinkled some water and put them in the patio - which is covered.Here is Seattle, WA, the minimum temparature is hovering around low 40s, windy and sometimes wet.I have not brought any of the containers indoors.Will my seeds ever sprout? Should I have done anything differently? Also, I put in a cutting of hydrangea which a friend had given me. I put it in the miracle gro potting soil in a small pot about two weeks back.Today I pulled to see if it has grown roots yet.It came out and I could not see any roots. Would'nt a cutting die if it does not grow roots for 2 weeks? The plant looks a tine bit wilted but fully alive. Will it have roots any time soon. Or should I give up on it? Thanks. Tina
Tina, The seeds I have all have a time to germination of anywhere from 7-21 days. Keep the soil damp, do not let it dry out. Some seeds have to be planted in cool soil to germinate, some require warm soil. For a cutting to root, there must be a leaf node under the soil, that is where the new roots will come from. Lavender takes 10-20 days to germinate and should be in a sunny location. Coriander info. ... antro.html Hot pepper includes many different varieties, do a Google search for the type you have planted.