I put several pots of geraniums in the garage and cut them all back except for this one which has been blooming despite the cold. The garage is not heated but the geranium is sitting in front of a window. variegated geranium ( photo / image / picture from gfreiherr's Garden )
Beautiful color, I always have a pot of bright red ones on the porch but I think this spring I am going to add different colors and colorations to other pots. That would be a Pelargonium X hortorum (Zonal Geranium) The Geranium 'Rozanne' (Cranesbill Geranium) typically doesn't have a cluster of blooms.
It's lovely to see the flowers, Gail. Seeing colour at this time of year is such a pleasure--I've seen enough white to do me for a while now.
Pretty pretty! I have a geranium inside and it just bloomed a little bloom for me this week... it is such a pleasure, isnt' it?