Spring is still a ways off, and we still have freezing weather and ice on the fish ponds. A cold but beautifully clear day today. Earlier in the week the temperatures had warmed enought for a bumble bee to venture out into the heather blooms, but not today. winter heather ( photo / image / picture from Jewell's Garden ) The helitropes are slow in blooming this year. While we haven't had much snow like much of the central part of the US, we have had colder than normal Nov-Jan. Most years I have them blooming at Christmas (they are also called a Christmas Rose). This year they are just beginning to bloom in February. helitrope ( photo / image / picture from Jewell's Garden ) helitrope ( photo / image / picture from Jewell's Garden ) What would a northern garden be without a crocus or two or.....Naturalized. I dream of it every year, but haven't accomplished the field of early flowers yet. crocus ( photo / image / picture from Jewell's Garden ) These little violets almost go unnoticed. Sadly they only bloom in the winter. Sometimes I wonder why I keep them until I take a closer look. violets ( photo / image / picture from Jewell's Garden ) Time travels quickly. I saw daffadils for sale in the grocery store for Valentines day. Mine are up, but it will be a while before they bloom. Wishing for sunshine and warm rains. Happy gardening to all
Isn't it great to see things blooming in the garden at this time of year? It certainly makes us all think that spring isn't too far away now. :-D Thanks for sharing all your lovely flowers with us.
well i can see i'm on the wrong side of the state!!! my heather and all is buried in snow still! awesome pics jewell!
I did not know violets bloomed in the winter. Of course the Rocky Mountains are in the way so we can't see the flowers in Washington. Our violets bloom in the spring. But you can't see them. :-( Jerry
Jerry, most of our violets also bloom in the spring. This funky little violet seems to bloom only in our late winter :-? (probably because of our maritime climate, some snow, some freezing, but "usually" only rain...year round). Our climate stretches out spring from January through May (camelias to daisies). Hang in there with all the snow I've heard most are getting this winter. There is a little native yellow violet that I look forward to seeing that really marks spring for me. http://www.gardenstew.com/plantstew/22164
Gosh, I'm envious! We've got nothing but frost roses here. I noticed the snowdrops have started to push through, but they're less than a centimeter above ground yet. I yearn for spring. Thanks for sharing your colours.
Jewell, Very nice! Thanks for sharing these pretty photos, and giving us a taste of things to come... (in all the places where winter still has a hold.)