Burrrrr....Saturday was blustery, cold and all the known forms of precipitation fell that day. It was miserable and the gardens looked to be well into hibernation. Ok, it was cold...however, it was time for our annual gathering called the Snertfeest. Snert is West-Friesian for split green pea soup and it is typical for this tim,e of year. It is served with roggebrood (thin rye bread) with a bit of meat on it...and of course Jägermeister for those who like a nip. It was a cozy afternoon and everyone got a chance to chat and enjoy themselves. it was also a tuime when we had to bid farewell to a very important man. Ramón, who was ther manager of the maintance of the complex. He had done so much work over the years but now he became 65 and is retireing and moving back to Suriname. We took up a collection for him and named the parking area for him--we call it now, Ramon Klei Square (in english). He will be sorely missed by everyone. To begin with a few pics of the Old and New Lottie plots bedecked with sprinkling of snow. The new garden The old garden//the veggie section Part of the sad-looking flower garden After a tour of the gardens and a quick check on eht developing Broaddies, it was time to head to the clubhouse for the Snertfeest. The parking lot was full of all sorts of transportation types Inside the administrator of the club is making the presentation speech for Ramón Ramón was overcome with emotion Finally the official street sign standing outside the clubhouse Well a good time was had by all and we all headed off for home with the wind in our backs....
What winter? It's still green there. Sounds like you had a good day for all, including Ramon. Poor man, it must be strange for him, but I guess it's warmer in Suriname.
Yeah all that snow! Ohh my! I think that was so nice of all you to name a little piece of your gardening community in his honor. That was way cool. And it does look like he is very touched with the honor you all gave him too. Mmmmmm split pea soup,,,and right kind of after dinner drinks! Sounds like it was a very nice day.
....You guys are terrible!--making fun of our blizzard drifts like that. Well, the snow is still laying outside but the streets have been 'pickled' and are clean. Actually I am hoping that we will not get as much as you guys--heck, I still have to get my bean plantlets in the ground yet.
I wish I had that kind of winter here Sjoerd. I can't see ANY green in the gardens! Might I add that Ramon looks much younger than 65 years, even all emotional
What a lovely thing you all did for Ramon and I just know he'll be sadly missed. As Netty says - he doesn't look 65 years of age. We've had the same amount of snow over here Sjoerd and the ground is frozen solid. No planting for me at the moment but at least we're not as badly off as Biita, Droopy and Netty.
What a nice way to remember a gardening friend. And they are right, he certainly doesn't look 65. Even tho others may scoff at your snowfall, I find it quite nice. I would trade you any amount of warm temps and sunshine you want for your cold wintery day. Pleasssseeee.
That was certainly a nice thing that was done -taking up a collection and having a dinner. Mr ramon does look very touched. We also have more snow on the ground-enough for a snowman.
That was a wonderful going away gift.He will always remember that great party.He will always love knowing he has a lottie named after him Your lottie looks great even with the snow on it.