Wish me luck.

Discussion in 'The Village Square' started by Ronni, Oct 1, 2013.

  1. Ronni

    Ronni Hardy Maple

    Mar 30, 2013
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    Nashville Tennessee
    I'm heading to the doctor shortly. I've been plagued with heel pain which I believe are heel spurs, for months now. It's really annoying, because for months before that I worked at relieving and healing the plantar fasciitis that was bothering me. Now this! :(

    It's gotten more and more painful ..... feels like a row of thumbtacks that dig into my left heel every time I take a step. It gets worse as they day wears on, and by the end of it, I'm limping and hobbling like crazy. And after I sit for a while, to have dinner or watch a little TV, and then I get up? Ooooowwwweeeeee! Man does that hurt! Several nights ago I got up after sitting for an hour, I was distracted and didn't ease into putting weight on my foot and I actually fell down because the pain was so intense! That was the turning point for me. The next morning I made the appointment.

    It's not just the pain...I have a very high pain threshold. But it's what happens as a result. I just can't stand for long, period, before I'm in a lot of pain. I can't carry my grandbabies around for too long because the extra weight flares the pain up considerably. I can't stand up in the garden for long without feeling particularly sore. Because I have a touch of arthritis in my knees, I'll tend to bend over to weed or plant or do other stuff in the garden, rather than squat or kneel, so my weight is always on my feet.

    I am not looking forward to seeing the doctor (I really dislike doctors and hospitals and medical things) but I AM looking forward to resolving this condition once and for all!
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  3. toni

    toni Mistress of Garden Junque Staff Member Moderator Plants Contributor

    Jan 7, 2006
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    North Central Texas, Zone 8a
    Ooouch, certainly hope you get some relief soon.
  4. cuatro-gatos

    cuatro-gatos In Flower

    Oct 23, 2007
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    Southern California
    You are taking positive steps, that is what counts.
    When our feet hurt, life is miserable. Here is hoping that the solution is simple and swift. Good luck Ronni.
  5. jbest123

    jbest123 In Flower

    Aug 5, 2013
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    New Kensington, PA
    My best friend had heel spurs many years ago. I don't know what the cure was but it hasn't recurred this many years.

  6. eileen

    eileen Resident Taxonomist Staff Member Moderator Plants Contributor

    Feb 7, 2005
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    Ronni I know just how you're suffering as I had heel spurs a few years ago. I was sent to the hospital where they fitted me with orthotic shoe inserts. I was told to do stretching exercises too and both really did the trick for me. I've never had a problem since, thank goodness. I'm keeping everything crossed for you as the pain is unrelenting and so debilitating.
  7. marlingardener

    marlingardener Happy

    Aug 23, 2010
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    Central Texas, zone 8
    Ronni, I'm so sorry you are in pain. I do hope that something can be done, perhaps on the order of the shoe inserts and exercises that Eileen had, that will alleviate the pain and lead to a recovery. Let us all know how you are doing. We'll be hoping and praying for you!
  8. waretrop

    waretrop Strong Ash Plants Contributor

    Oct 8, 2011
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    north eastern Pennsylvania
    There is a different answer for everyone. I am sure you will get exrays. If it is what you say it is you may get pills, saves, injections, or exercises. Do exactly what he says to do.

    I had heal spurs for for 25 years working on my feet for 80 hours a week for 27 years. It was horrible. Just like you say like a needle was being stabbed into my heal bone and it wouldn't stop. I had injections and did exercises and was looking at surgery. I quit going to the doctor when my daughter got sick. As soon as I could my feet were the first thing I address for myself. I want to a now doctor. I went in telling him I was probably going to have surgery. He said that 95 percent of the people can avoid surgery. I thought he was a quack..

    Well, I got one injection and did all kinds of saves and pills and EXERCISES....I haven't had a heal pain at all since about 5 months of going to this doctor. I still can't believe it. I am on my feet for sometimes 10 hours almost crying at the end of the day from being tired and 'no feet pain' at all.

    Now I do my little exercises on a weekly basis and use no meds anymore. I no longer think that doctor is a quack. He is very very good. He could have had my money on his pocket and lead me right to the operating room. I would have done anything with a smile.

    Good luck in your journey. Do what your professional says to do.
  9. cherylad

    cherylad Countess of Cute-ification Plants Contributor

    May 5, 2009
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    S. Liberty County - Texas (8B)
    Good luck.
    I had heel pain a while back too.
    I just did as my mom was told to do for her's.
    Don't go barefoot or wear flats.
    Wear something with some sort of LOW heel.
    My pain stopped and hasn't returned.
    I hope your cure/treatment is simple and effective!
  10. Jerry Sullivan

    Jerry Sullivan Garden Experimenter Plants Contributor

    Nov 10, 2010
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    Chelmsford MA
    I hope all works out well. Fingers crossed.

  11. carolyn

    carolyn Strong Ash

    Apr 13, 2011
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    Oh, I am aching for you. I have incredibly sore feet...so painful I have to stand for a few minutes before I can walk in the morning and then when I sit for any length of time....I know, I know, I need to go to the doctor too, but I hate going....... I sure hope you get yours resolved quickly.
  12. Frank

    Frank GardenStew Founder Staff Member Administrator

    Jan 25, 2005
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    Galway, Ireland
    Ouch sounds painful Ronni. I do hope they are able to do something for you and that you will be back for longer periods on your feet in no time.
  13. Sjoerd

    Sjoerd Mighty Oak

    Apr 11, 2006
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    Good luck with your visit. I agree that an X-ray is in order if the Dx of heel spur is to definitively to be made.
    Right now it is all a big, painful question mark for you, but after your upcoming appointment you ought to be a step closer to resolving this problem.
    Let us hope that surgery can be avoided. It is premature to be thinking surgery at this moment, as no Dx has yet been established and no alternative regimens have been tried.

    Surgery can give you some relief; however, this particular problem can return. It is sort of in the class as hiatal hernia repair and lumbar surgery in this respect.
    What I am saying is that if surgical correction is suggested, you must weigh this option carefully and gather as much advice and information as you can before electing for this option.

    Keep us posted, Ronni. Hang in there, meid.
  14. Ronni

    Ronni Hardy Maple

    Mar 30, 2013
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    Nashville Tennessee
    Thank you all so much for your kind words and well wishes!

    The diagnosis is plantar fasciitis resulting in heel spurs. I had PF a couple years ago, and got rid of it. When I started feeling pain again, it didn't feel quite the same as last time, the pain was more localized in the heel, and WAY more pain upon standing after sitting for a while to the point where, recently, it would bring tears to my eyes. I have a very high pain threshold, but when that started happening, I KNEW I had to get some relief. I know that heel spurs can result from PF, but given this pain, I just assumed there was way more of an issue with my heel than with PF.

    But apparently not, it's just worse because this time around I have PF AND heel spurs. Last time it was just PF, and the treatment is the same as it would be for PF, with some additional pain management for the acute pain of the spurs.

    Surgery was discussed but my doctor said it was way to soon to even be considering it. I was told I was wearing the wrong footwear, advised to buy a good quality shoe with some cushioning, and invest in appropriate arch support orthotics for the different shoes I wear. He also gave me a steroid shot to manage the immediate discomfort.

    This advice is in direct violation of what has made my foot hurt less, at least acutely when I'm actually walking. Arch supports make me cry they hurt so badly, and shoes with spongy cushioning (like crocs and extra thick rubber flip flops) feel so much better than an athletic shoe or any other kind of support shoe. When I explained that he pretty much said that's because I've been doin' it wrong. :(

    Apparently I've used the wrong kind of orthotics/ arch support. If it's correct for both the shoe I'm wearing AND my foot, it shouldn't hurt. I've never tried to match both, so it's certainly worth a try. Hell, I'll stick pins in a voodoo doll and rub snail oil into my foot if it brings relief! He also said that I will likely need several different orthotics depending on what shoes I'm wearing...there's not a "one size fits all." What works in my athletic shoes won't work in my loafers, or my flats, because each shoe is made differently with different footbeds. So the orthotic not only has to match my foot and my arch, but while it's doing that it also has compensate for whatever footbed it's in. Who knew? :idea:

    I went on a hunt for the kind of orthotics/arch support the Dr. recommended. I already have a couple pair of really good athletic shoes, so it's back to wearing them with the orthotic I bought, instead of the heel-cushioning shoes I've been wearing. That, plus the various other things I'm supposed to do in terms of stretching, icing, and rolling, will hopefully bring some relief.

    I also went online and ordered a pair of "orthaheel" slippers for around the house. I have a couple of friends, fellow ballroom dancers, who also suffer from PF, and both independently recommended that brand to me. Said it helped enormously. I figure there's no downside ..... if they don't feel good I'll just send 'em back. And if they do? I see shoe shopping in my future...they have a whole line of the CUTEST shoes and flats and sandals! :stew1:

    My foot feels somewhat better this morning, I was only limping a little when I got out of bed. I'm sure that's the result of the steroid shot, which apparently can take 24 - 48 hours to reach full effect. They shot me in my arm, not my heel, which is where I thought they'd give it to me.

    Sorry this is so wordy, but when I saw how many of you are also suffering from foot pain, I figured I'd just pass on everything I've become aware of in the past 24 hours in the hope it will also be helpful to you all.
  15. koszta kid

    koszta kid Young Pine

    May 6, 2011
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    Best friend and customer is a doctor. She has both. Goes for massage. And shoe inserts. No high heels. Low flats. And now since in car accident -broke leg in a boot. So good tennis shoes. Exercise -with thing looks like steel rolling pin.
  16. marlingardener

    marlingardener Happy

    Aug 23, 2010
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    Central Texas, zone 8
    Ronni, so happy that you are experiencing some relief! I hope the inserts help, and that surgery won't be needed. Sounds as if you have a doctor more interested in his patient than his $$$.

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