I just cut and treated some stevia! I'm so nervous! I don't know how it will work out but i REALLY hope it turns out I get my own stevia from it! It would be awesome since I learned how to take better care of it recently. My mother plant is still growing, so I do have more chances for other cuttings if this one isn't sucessful, but I don't know what to do if the root horomone I put on it won't work >.<
That sounds great. If your efforts do not bear fruit, come on here and we can all talk about ways for you to be successful with this. Oké?
Last July I took a bus trip to Lancaster county Pennsylvania to see a play. We stopped at a country store. I bought a stevia plant for $.90. I had it outside until a week ago. It has buds and is ready to bloom. I'm going to allow it to bloom and see if the seeds are viable. I will cut the flower stem after it blooms. I want it to get fuller.
I have to admit i have never seen stevia bloom I haven't let mine, because I kinda enjoy the plant and use it in some of my drinks Thanks everyone. It seems to be doing ok, it hasn't started wilting yet like the last one, so I'm crossing my fingers tight!
Ok, so it survived the night and today!!! here is a pretty picture of the little cutting that hopefully will root!