Well 2 actually Would Neem oil help to control/deter gooseberry saw-fly? and would it stop Pea moths from giving us maggoty peas? If so when would be the best time to spray? Thank you moderator's note: added a more descriptive title to topic
Karen, I wish we could help you with this, but I don't think we have either pest here in our region ( at least I haven't seen them). I don't think I have even heard of either of these issues, but there is always the "experimental" spray. try it and see. I googled this and it doesn't mention Bt, but do you have that available? we use it for cabbage loopers. you could try it for the say fly larvae.
Hi Carolyn, sorry for the delayed reply... Just trying it really hadn't occurred to me Its not as though it will do any damage (other than to our noses ) if it doesn't discourage the pests. Off to look for my brain... Karin
Oh, mine is constantly somewhere besides my brainbox.... I am sure you keep yours inside the brainbox you were given, but sometimes I wonder about mine. I am also sure you have nothing else to do but read GS or other forums all day long. the house gets clean, the garden gets planted, weeded and sprayed as needed, the dogs get their grooming all done on their own...etc....
I used NEEM oil on my dessert gooseberry this year and it worked GREAT! I've picked the worms off the last 2 years and was ready to toss the plant this year. NEEM oil works great on my roses so I thought I'd give it a try. The worms fell off and tried to crawl back up the onto the plant but ended up dying. I had to spray 2 or 3 times as the eggs hatched. My plant is recovering nicely!
Thank you for your positive feedback about neem oil-although I asked about it last year I didn't actually get round to using it,so thank you for the reminder
How do you use neem oil? How long does it keep in storage? I haven't needed it, but thought it would be good to have on hand in case of emergency.