I have an outdoor yard swing and then a small patio table and 2 chairs. We have had them for about 6 or 8 years. They are finally needing some upkeep. This morning we moved the swing up to the garage and got it washed. After it dries, I will go over it with steel wool to loosen any loose paint. Then it will go into the garage and this weekend I will paint it. They are saying rain this weekend, so that will be a job I can do in the rain. Then once the swing is done, will do the table and chairs. Hopefully they will be good for another 8 years!
I'd love to see before and after shots of your furniture CK. Just don't overdo things at the week-end please.
Hey Captain, are you allowed to be working this hard? please remember to not over do it. I do hope your project turns out great though.
No hard work involved. My wife and I carried it to the garage, washed it, went over it to loosen any paint, and then rinsed it off. Let it set in the sun to dry good. We just moved it into the garage where I will move the cars out on Sat and then spray paint it. If my heart is going to go out of rhythim it will do it whether I am doing any thing or not. When it went out yesterday, I was walking through the house.I have an appointment to see the pacemaker Dr. in about 2 hrs.