MG Midget that is. In 1978, going through a rough divorce I wanted something to perk up my spirits and the orange/red Ford Pinto that my parents bought for me definitely didn't do that!! Randy found this MG Midget, helped me buy it and my oldest daughter and I had a great time driving around in it for about 4 years. If you look really close you can see a very young me sitting behind the steering wheel. My one and only sports car, way back when ( photo / image / picture from toni's Garden ) I was going through a couple of files on Randy's computer last night looking for a photo for the next Caption Competition and was really surprised to find this does this bring back some great memories.
I have some friends who buy and restore old MG's. They have 4 running cars and about 4 more in pieces, hoping to make one more complete car out of them. Fun little cars to drive.
Great pic, Toni, evoking fond memories of the era.. I just loved some of those 'sports cars'; the MG, the TRIUMPH, and the AUSTIN-HEALEY, but only got to admire them from a distance, although I once made a week-end trip from Albuquerque, N.M. to Flagstaff, AZ on/in/with a Triumph (the auto, not the motorcycle).. Hank
When Randy and I were dating, I had the MG and he had a Triumph TR-4. We called his car the big car since it was the only one that would hold the three of us....uncomfortably and definitely unsafe by todays standards.
Ahhh the memories your very first car brings to mind!! Mine was a white VW Beetle - how I loved that little car. I'm not ashamed to say that I shed quite a few tears when it had to be scrapped.
My husband and I bought an Austin-Healey and restored it (he did the engine and body, I did the upholstery). That was one fun car to drive! It was very heavy--a car's body on a truck frame, and the firewall left something to be desired, but it could move when needed.
A friend who owned a MG once picked me up when my car was being repaired. Half of the trip had three adults in the car(verrrrrrry tight fit) till we dropped her husband off at his workplace. The remainder of the trip was more comfortable. Jerry
That must have been the larger MG cause the midget would barely hold two people I loved mine except on really rainy days. It was so low to the ground that a good rain with runoff in the streets would have me bailing water out from under my feet and the seat
The year was 1974 and 50 pounds ago, she called it 'the midg'. I sat in the passenger seat with her on my lap and her husband drove. Very cramped we were. Much like the crazy game with the color circles that you had to apply an appendage to a color as the onlookers laughed in hysterics. Jerry
A really great looking car Toni. How come the older models always look better? What did you do with it eventually?
As to the Midget's fate, we eventually needed a larger car and sold the MG. The next car was a Plymouth Station Wagon (Estate Car to those of you across the Big Pond). I think my choice of cars influenced Toni. I was driving a TR-4 at the time (we went to lunch once in the snow with the top down) and my very first car was a TR-3A.