i think the worst thing i do in my garden is sometimes i forget to water seedlings in jiffy pods which doesnt take long before they dry up in the sun. ive been trying to get better at avoiding this, im trying to give the new sprouts limited sun but i would make the mistake of placing them in the wrong areas with too much sun too early. Also sometimes i let some beds get a bit weedy before pulling them up but im getting better and the mulch is helping keep them down. anyone else have things that they need to improve on in their garden habits?
My worst garden habits are not pulling weeds when they are small and procrastinating dividing my perennials. If I would just learn to pull those nasty weeds when they are small, they would be soooo much easier to control! And if I ever took my own advice and divided those Hosta's etc when they needed it it would also be so much easier to do! Maybe one day I'll learn...
Mine is taking the tags off plants that I'm unfamiliar with. I always forget what they are so don't know why I can't simply leave the labels on them after I buy them.
I'm bad at the weeding chore also but I think my worst habit is pulling out weeds, dead leaves etc and neglecting to pick them up in a timely manner My husband gets really mad when he has to go behind me and clean up my weed piles before he mows
I forget to write the names of plants in my journal so that I can identify it later. My tags fade in our Carolina sun so I have to diagram.
I have two :-D #1.Sowing seeds too early.I am not the patient kind. #2. I don't get back inside in time. Hubby has been complaining
Stratsmom -- my mom used to do that thing where she left her weed piles around.... used to crack me up. I can't go inside without picking up my piles. HOWEVER, bad habits.. so hard to pick just one, or five or six. 1. Hardly EVER fed my plants until this year when I learned how to do it from Garden Stew. 2. Procrastinating in dividing things because I'm afraid I'm going to kill them... 3. Neglecting my lawn... very bad. 4. Going overboard trimming shrubs... then I'm kind of sorry. 5. Not pulling or digging the sasafras and mimosa trees when they are seedlings so then they develop big nasty root systems... 6. Not watering enough in the heat of summer... 7. Not de-pesting my rose bushes or trimming them properly... (I don't really know how... I need to learn more about that...) More?
I think my worst habit this year was sowing my seeds way too early then thinking it was warm enough to put them out and killing nearly all my tomato plants and my coleus, I am too eager to get started then get disapointed when they die, maybe next year I will have learnt my lesson!
ahhh, i'm guilty of piling up the weeds and leaving them in place, too. last summer i was pulling out a bunch of weeds that got out of hand inside the greenhouse, and left them in a pile just outside the greenhouse. hubby happened to be going past the pile a couple days later and decided to move it, and it was smouldering underneath!!! taught me a big lesson!
Yeah, I hate pulling weeds too and put it off until they are usually knee high. But my main worst gardening habit is putting my trowel, hand pruners, etc. down and not picking them up, then I wander the yard trying to find them again. Sometimes I am lucky enough to find them under the weeds I was just pulling, or under the soil I just dug while making a new bed, sometimes I have to poke around in the new mulch I have just put down to find them and sometimes I just never find them. Somewhere in my backyard are my all time favorite hand pruners.
seems like weeds are the most common worst habit.. i usually throw mine on the lawn and then chop them up with the mower a few days later.. ever found an old tool while mowing the lawn! hey playtime, have you ever tried some of the russian frost resistant toms? I grew one in the regular season but i never got any fruit......it was a nice plant though..
Not putting things away would be my number one. On my allotment there are little piles of bamboos, labels, trowels and so on. And labelling...I never label properly, useless labeller. But my worse gardening habit of all is when I am working in other peoples gardens, I take cuttings and thin plants out for them, and bring them home for my garden. This is fine, but my garden is FULL!!!! So, now I am filling mums garden for her.