Got about 1/2 inch of snow yesterday afternoon and a mix of snow and freezing rain last night. Then freezing mist all day today. It did warm up just a little today and started to melt. Now it's below freezing and everything is freezing up again.
Winter seems to have taken a real grip this year. We still don't have any snow but I'm rather tired of severe frosts, black ice and biting gale force winds. I'm definately ready to see the spring arrive as I'm sure you are too CK.
It seems like our winter came early and been so variable that everyone thinks springs should come soon. We have at least 6 weeks before it starts getting better and like everyone else I can't wait. Wannabe
yup, we'll have to have a serious garden party come spring. It's raining buckets here, just what we need with all the flooding still causing damage.
After a few nice warm, beautiful days it's going to be sunny but cold and windy all this next week. Maybe time for unpacking more boxes? dooley
Bbrr and yuck! We awoke to thick thick frost, a fluffy one! However, the sun is out now and the frost is quickly melting away. It is supposed to warm up slightly over the next few days and rain is forecast.
Got about an inch os snow last night. That has frozen to the ice and that makes the driveway a little easier to drive on, not as slippery.