Woke up to freezing rain here this morning. Light coat of ice all over everything. But it's supposed to warm up above freezing later this morning.
We've been having really hard frosts here over the last few days. It's supposed to get even worse with temps of around -9C!! Brrrrrr
We had some freezing rain early this morning here too Capt. If I didn't have to let the dog out, I would have missed it all together! The temps have warmed up now but I still think we will get some rain.
I guess yukky weather is the topic of the day. Rain here, very grey and drizzly. When I woke up at about 7, it was so dark, I thought it was still night. Everyone stay warm and dry.
Plenty of rain and wind here in Essex. Supposed to get colder as the week goes on with the chance of snow come Wednesday!!
Capt, would it make you feel better to know that we are supposed to have sunny and 70 degrees this afternoon? Nah, didn't think so.
They have been saying that it is going to warm up and snow then turn to rain for the last 3 days...It hasn't Still in the teens and twenties with clear/foggy days. Hopefully today will be the day for moisture. I don't ever remember this kind of cold for so long and no moisture. Will definitely be replanting spaces in the spring. An interesting fall so far...wonder what winter will bring?
Yeah we gots it too... and BF (being the dork that he is) locked his keys in my truck at work last night I was waiting for him to have to walk the 3 blocks home and back (I sures heck wasn't gonna do it) but he managed to get a ride to the house and back I wish it would just snow!!! I am so sick of rain..frozen or not....
no moisture here either jewell...just cold cold cold. we've been here for 20 years as of today, and never seen a winter like this with no snow...in the middle of December...
It was foggy here this morning. We went to town after the paper and visibility was poor. I had my lights on and it was after 10 am. No rain with it today but it will come back tomorrow. Toni, where are you getting the sun from. I'd like some of it. It's says it'll get 65 today and 70 tomorrow but.... dooley