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jennifer Bryerton's Blog

Gardening with Kids

Category: Gardening with Kids | Posted: Wed May 17, 2023 2:04 pm

Try sowing seeds of snap peas, greens, carrots, radishes, and lettuce outdoors as soon as the soil can be worked in the spring. Start your own pepper and tomato plants from seed, and plant pumpkins, watermelons, cucumbers, and beans as soon as the soil can be worked. While some plants, like summer squash and cucumbers, can be started from cuttings, you'll have much better success starting them from seed even with [url]kids as your garden team[/url]. Tomatillos, the primary component in Salsa Verde, are another pest- and disease-resistant, visually striking addition to any garden. Plant several kinds of tomatoes; giant beefsteak tomatoes for sandwiches, roma tomatoes for sauce, and sweet cherry tomatoes for snacking on while gardening. A second cherry tomato plant is always a smart idea if you want to ensure some cherry tomatoes make it into the home because children adore them.

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