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Is It Really.....?
Posted: 16 Mar 2015 Posted: 06 Oct 2014 Posted: 29 Aug 2014 Posted: 28 Aug 2014 Posted: 30 Jul 2014 All Entries |
One Door Closes and Another Door OpensSome years are just tough for whatever reasons: Work might be overwhelming, illness might take an incredible toll, family challenges and changes might occur. Though all of those things have happened I have always had an animal friend that has given me great joy, adoration and laughter in my life in difficult times and in good. It is a choice that not all people can understand, and I respect that but for me it has been as much a part of me as having a garden, plants, and breathing. I simply can't imagine life without these blessed creatures that share our lives. This last year has been especially gut renching. We have not only had job losses, and huge economic challenges we have also lost a number of animal companions. We outlast our pets so have to come to grips with dieing and loosing a piece of ourselves each time they leave us. ![]() Thomas and Rocky ( photo / image / picture from Jewell2009's Garden ) Thomas was my 18 year young tuxedo kitty. He was my shadow and never left my side when I was home. My husband could never be jealous because he had his own shadow in Rocky, a gray and white furball. We lost Thomas over a year ago, and then unexpectedly Rocky this last spring at the young age of only 8 years (kidney failure). ![]() Ruby on her last week-end ( photo / image / picture from Jewell2009's Garden ) Ruby, my old Doberman, developed cancer and had to be put down this month. I had gotten her for a birthday present 12 years ago. She too was my shadow with a big and loving heart. It got so that during her last days I would try to stay in one room because it was so hard to watch her try to follow me where I went always with a big grin on her face. ![]() Ciara and Ruby ( photo / image / picture from Jewell2009's Garden ) Ciara, was a rescued Doberman that kept Ruby playing and moving when she was well. Ciara's personality got sullen and crabby as Ruby got more ill. We had half-heartedly looked for a companion for Ciara, but didn't want to introduce a new dog into the household when Ruby was ill. The Doberman Rescue had what sounded like a perfect dog for our household about Ciara's age (4 years). I had emailed once, but did not follow through about the dog, Dakota. We prepared ourselves the other week, and made the awful decision to take Ruby in for her last visit with the vet. Afterwards we brought her home and buried her. That day I wrote a note onto Craig's List about wanting to provide a home for an adult Doberman in need. It was an attempt to put my grief to some use, and my silly way of saying I had lost a dear friend, and her companion had also lost her friend. I was surprised to recieve an email the same day from the owners of Dakota. Changes in their circumstances had made it so that they had to give her up. They were desperate to find her a home. We met with both dogs, and the ladies (Dakota and Ciara) got on well. Dakota came home with us. ![]() Ciara and Dakota ( photo / image / picture from Jewell2009's Garden ) ![]() Dakota and Ciara ( photo / image / picture from Jewell2009's Garden ) ![]() Dakota ( photo / image / picture from Jewell2009's Garden ) ![]() Dakota ( photo / image / picture from Jewell2009's Garden ) ![]() Kota ( photo / image / picture from Jewell2009's Garden ) She is a good dog. Not Ruby. Dakota has a totally different personality, but a velcro dog none-the-less. Ciara and Kota are working out some minor pack order disputes, but play hard in the back yard when they aren't lounging on the sofas. Oh yeh, Buddy, our only cat now is doing just fine at teaching Kota manners. He is a second generation Doberman cat. ![]() Buddy ( photo / image / picture from Jewell2009's Garden ) Though life has many changes...maybe because that is what life is...change...My sweetie and husband said, "Each time a door closes, another opens." As hard as it is to see sometimes it is definitely true. We just have to be willing to walk through it. ![]() Walking on ( photo / image / picture from Jewell2009's Garden ) This blog entry has been viewed 1160 times
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Very sad to hear about your pet losses Jewell. My parent's lost a dog also on Thursday. It broke their hearts and mine so I can definitely sympathise with you this week.
Oh dear... all three in one year.... how you must miss them. I love the pictures of Thomas, Rocky and Ruby. What sweet faces. How nice that you have been able to adopt Dakota, for you and Ciara! They look pretty comfortable together -- I'm glad Ciara has someone to play with. I especially love your orange boy, Buddy.
I realy feel for you Jewell. Losing one companion is hard enough but to lose three in such a short space of time must be devestating.
Very sad to read about all your family losses...what great luck that Kota was still out there and in need of your help.
Jewell my heart goes out to you. I can't imagine losing three furry companions in a years time. So glad you ended up with Kota. Your DH is right, but sometimes it's hard to see the second door.
So sorry to hear about the loss of your furry friends.
Thanks all for your kind comments. It is always shocking how important animal friends can be.
What a sad but beautiful story. Yes, I FULLY understand that pets, gardens and breathing are on the same par. My three dogs and five cats (no our house isn't a stinky mess!!!) are my second batch of children!
They are some beautiful animals, Jewell. So sorry that Ruby and Rocky also had to leave you. I hope that life will be looking up for you soon. Login or register to leave a comment. |
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