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GardenStew PLANTS Help / FAQ

After reading our Getting Started guide our GardenStew PLANTS Help / FAQ section is here for more detailed answers. If you have a question that is not answered below please ask in our Help forum or contact us directly and we'll be happy to answer it for you.

GardenStew PLANTS Help / FAQ Topics

GardenStew PLANTS

What is GardenStew PLANTS?

Please read About GardenStew PLANTS.

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Editing a Plant

What does 'editing a plant' mean?

Information about plants on GardenStew PLANTS is added by the members of the community. Whenever a change is made to a plant (e.g. information added/updated/deleted) then a plant edit is said to have taken place. Plant edits are the lifeblood of GardenStew PLANTS and keep all plant data as up to date and correct as possible.

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How do I edit a plant?

Each plant page lists a number of properties associated with that plant e.g. soil pH, height, spread. Each property has an edit link next to it. Clicking this link will bring up a list of values for the property. From this list you can select the correct values or remove incorrect values.for the plant. Once the correct values have been selected click the 'Save' button and this edit will be saved to our database. Some properties do not have a list of values to select from and require you instead to enter text e.g. common names. This is also a plant edit.

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What other types of plant edits are there?

When you add an opinion or upload an image these are also plant edits.

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Can I see a history of edits made to a plant?

Yes you can view this on a plant's Edit History page. This can be found by clicking the 'Edit History' tab on a plant's page.

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Plant Images

How do I upload a plant image?

Visit the plant page of the plant you want to upload an image for and click the Upload a New Image link. Choose an image from your computer and click 'Upload Image'. Uploading may take a few moments depending on the file size of the image and your internet connection speed.

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I've uploaded an image but it is not appearing on the plant page. Why?

All uploaded images need be reviewed by a moderator first, this will be done quite quickly. If your plant image is accepted then you will receive a notification on your Notifications page to let you know. If the image is not accepted then a rejection reason will appear on your Plant Images page next to the uploaded image.

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How can I track the review status of my uploaded image?

On your Plant Images page you will see one of the following messages appear above each of your images:
  • Image not active / yet to be reviewed: The image has not yet been reviewed but will be shortly.
  • Image active: This image has been reviewed and is active within GardenStew PLANTS
  • Image rejected: This image does not meet our guidelines. A rejection reason will be included with the image.
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What are some common reasons why a plant image is rejected?

Here are some things to avoid:
  • Wrong plant in image
  • Big borders around images
  • Big or flashy watermarks/copyright notices on images
  • Images that are too tall
  • Images that are too wide
  • Black and white images
  • Blurry images
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Can I have a watermark/copyright text on my plant image?

Of course. If however the watermark/copyright text is too big or flashy the image may be rejected.

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How do I delete one of my plant images?

There are two ways you can delete your plant images:
  • On your Plant Images page click the delete link beneath the plant image you wish to delete.

  • or

  • Go to the plant page for the plant you originally uploaded the image for. Click the 'Images for this Plant' tab. Locate your image in the list and click the delete link beneath.
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What are notifications?

You receive a notification whenever something important happens within your GardenStew PLANTS account. Notifications can be viewed on your Notifications page.

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How do I specify what types of notifications I will receive?

On your Notifications page click the 'Edit Notifications Setting' link. You will then be able to select which type of notifications you will receive. You will also be able to configure how often you receive an alert email about new notifications in your GardenStew PLANTS account.

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Contributing to a Plant

What is a plant contributor?

A plant contributor is a member who contributes to a plant in any of the following ways:
  • Adds/updates/deletes a property
  • Adds their opinion
  • Uploads an image
  • Suggests the plant
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What happens when I contribute to a plant?

When you contribute to a plant you will be added to the list of contributors for that plant and it will be added to your Plants Contributed To page.

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How can I see who contributed to a particular plant?

On each plant's page you will see a 'View Contributors' link. Click this and you will be presented with the list of contributing members.

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How can I see the plants I have contributed to?

You can visit your Plants Contributed To page. This can done by selecting 'Plants Contributed To' from the 'My Activity' drop-down menu.

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Suggesting a Plant

How do I suggest a plant?

Visit your My Plant Suggestions page and click on the Suggest A Plant link. Enter the name of the plant you are suggesting followed by optional additional details or comments. Try to include as much information as possible as this will speed up the review process.

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What happens after I suggest a plant?

You will be able to track the status of your plant suggestion on your My Plant Suggestions page. Upon suggestion the plant suggestion status will be listed as Pending Review. If it is accepted for inclusion in our database the status will update to Accepted and a link to the plant will appear. If the suggestion is not accepted its status will change to Rejected and a rejection reason will appear under the 'Admin Comments' column.

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When I clicked on 'View Contributors' on a plant page I saw "Plant suggested by:". What does this mean?

The member name listed alongside "Plant suggested by:" is the suggestor for this plant i,e. the member who first suggested this plant. If one of your plant suggestions gets accepted you too will be listed as a suggestor.

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Plant Watching

What is plant watching?

When you watch a plant you will receive a notification whenever it is edited. Watching a plant means you don't have to continually check a plant's page for activity, we do the checking for you.

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How do I start watching a plant?

Whenever you contribute to a plant you will automatically begin watching it.

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What is my Plant Watch page?

Your Plant Watch page lists the plant edits that have occured for plants you are watching. You can find it by selecting 'Plant Watch' from the 'My Activity' drop-down menu. If you see no data displayed on your Plant Watch page then you are not currently watching any plants or the plants that you are watching have had no plant edits yet.

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How can see which plants I am watching?

Click the 'Which plants are you watching?' link on your Plant Watch page and you will be presented with a list of plants you are watching.

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How do I stop watching a plant?

Visit the plant page of the plant you are watching and click the 'Stop Watching This Plant' link. Alternatively you can click the 'Which plants are you watching?' link on your Plant Watch page and then click the 'Stop watching?' link beside your chosen plant.

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What does the little number that appears beside my username mean?

This is the total number of plant edits you have performed on the site. This and other statistics can be viewed from your profile page.

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What are 'Likes'?

When someone likes one of your images or opinions they can express this by clicking the 'I like this' link for the image / opinion. The number of 'Like's you earn appear beside the image / opinion and also on your profile page.

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If you have a question that is not answered above please contact us and we'll be happy to answer it for you.