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Extended Season ~
Posted: 01 Dec 2007 Posted: 01 Nov 2007 Posted: 21 Aug 2007 Posted: 06 Jun 2007 Posted: 26 May 2007 All Entries |
The Invasion ~Well, it's Memorial Day weekend, the weather is fantastic and the population of our area has exploded!! I think that all of the local hotels are all at full capacity, and most (if not all) of the expensive beach houses are rented out for the week. And those of us who live here have suddenly been remembered by friends and family looking for a free place to stay at the shore. Folks who probably haven't given us a second thought since this time last year. I don't mean to sound crass, but it's hard not to get an attitude when we suddenly find that we are the favorite Aunt and Uncle of frantic young families who can't even remember our mailing address to send a Thank You card after Christmas. Suddenly the two of us find ourselves outnumbered in our own little house, inn keepers to families of 5 or 6 (depending on which group thinks to call first). Trying to make everyone comfortable in a home that is ideally suited for 2. Constant shopping, cooking, cleaning, and stunning amounts of laundry, these are the realities of my life for the next week (at least). If you don't see much of me for a while, now you'll know why. Oh well, it's time to count small blessings, at least they left the dog at a kennel this year. Oh, not because the dog was a major pain in "dear old Auntie's" butt the last time they brought him, destroying the insides of both exterior doors one evening when we all went out to dinner (we had to leave him in the house alone because we don't have a fenced yard). Rolling in my garden beds, treating the fish pond like it was his own personal spa, and generally terrorizing our poor old sick pussy cat. And barking, barking, barking!! At every strange sound, all night long. In short making an already stressful visit, MUCH worse. But NO, that's not why we were spared this year. They left the hell hound behind because the kids are bigger now and they just didn't want to spend 6 cramped hours in the van with him. Don't get me wrong, I really do love 'em, honest I DO! It's just kinda hard to remember that sometimes when they're actually here, working my last nerve to a frazzle! Little wonder this island gets soooo quiet at the end of summer, those of us who live here, lock ourselves inside our homes with the doors closed and the phones and lights turned off, repeating the mantra " Never again, never again, never . . .. Okay, thanks for letting me get all of that off my chest, now I'm going to glue the smile back on my face before the crew gets back from the beach . . . . . . maybe if I think about seeing the back end of that van . . . I think I'll try to get a little bit of gardening done while I have these few moments of "me" time. Last edited: Sat May 26, 2007 5:35 pm This blog entry has been viewed 2141 times
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Oh Zuzu family vsits can be such a trial can't they? You may love them but it doesn't mean to say you have to like them all the time does it?!!!
Sounds like a fun time ahead Zuzu. Have fun! Gardening will always be there to calm you down afterwards.
Oh ZZP, I was wondering where you were. I know you love them but it does sound like a dreadful week ahead. Just escape to your garden whenever possible and chill with a glass of wine.
Oh know.You may love them but not a house as small as yours .I would tell them next time get a motel or find some place else to stay as mine isn't big enough.Its sad when relatives don't even bother to call and check to see if your going to be home and would it inconvinence you.Sorry thats how I feel.
Oh Zuzu, that does NOT sound like fun! Hope the time passes quickly and you get your house back to yourselves. Did you ever consider getting call display? LOL
hey ... idea ..maybe next year you will be on your own holiday away ? and yes the house will be under much needed repairs while your away. so no free place to stay next year oh soooooooo sorry. its a thought. Login or register to leave a comment. |
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