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Saving the Peppers From the Frost

Category: Garden & Interior Design | Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2010 6:19 pm

Here in NYC, about now, the beginning of November, the temperature usually drops. Consequently, a lot of my hard work in the garden finishes its cycle and ends up in the compost heap.

But this year, I did something different. I had a bunch of Habanero peppers. This time, I left five outdoors, and brought the sixth one inside, into the screen room, back in May. (It's now cozy on a South-facing windowsill, indoors!) Aside from low production, it's thrived. And now I'm addressing that; it seems I wasn't fertilizing nearly enough.

Just now, I brought in two more plants, both sweet Italian Bells that produce fruit that are long and skinny, red at ripening, and shaped like horns. (I can't recall the specific type; I'll check the outdoor container and see if there was tag in there that I somehow overlooked.)

First, I shook off as much dry potting mix as I could. Then, I sprayed the roots with the hose, to remove anything clinging to the roots. I had prepared a mix days ago, and I potted two in a lovely glazed terra-cotta cream-colored pot.

I was torn about putting two in one container, but I have two more than should be taken in, and I only have SO much room on my South-facing windowsill! I also don't mind if they stay small; I can't have these growing uncontrollably indoors!

Right now, the newly re-potted Bell peppers look a bit scraggly, as the ever-lowering temps have done some leaf damage. But I am hoping that those leaves fall off, once new growth appears.

So it one has the room, I'd guess it's possible to bring in peppers, smaller tomatoes, eggplants, and any other annual flowering plants or veggies that usually end up as compost.

(C) Copyright Nov 2, Masara

Last edited: Tue Nov 02, 2010 6:22 pm

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