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Posted: 21 Mar 2011

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Child's Hands

Category: Children Friendly Garden | Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2011 5:53 pm

Hello..I'm new to the Stew and very excited I found you...I am working on a project I call Child's Hands. My children at the Childcare center I own are helping me with creating a garden, step by step, seed by seed..Since this is a new project for me as well as them can anyone lend me some advice on the best child friendly flowers I should use. We are also planting a vegetable and fruit garden. We are located in Missouri and our soil is clay. We also have a mole issue. The children and I would greatly appreciate your advice.

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toni wrote on Mon Mar 21, 2011 7:35 pm:

Marigold, Zinnia, Sunflowers ...they will grow anywhere, quickly and the kids will enjoy the butterflies that hang around them too.
You could plant Dill, Fennel, Parsley and Milkweek so the butterflies will have plants for their caterpillars to eat, the kids will love watching the caterpillars grow.

Many fruits are either tree fruit - apples, peaches, pears...or have thorns like berries. Strawberries don't have thorns and the kids will like them...find out if any of the kids are alergic to strawberries first tho.

As far as veggies, send a note home to the Moms asking what veggies their kids eat and what they are alergic to.

You can get seeds for the tall Sunflowers, some grow up to 12', plant them in a circle leaving space for a 'door' then when the flowers are in bloom later in the summer there will be a 'room' in the center for them to sit and read or whatever.

cm4blynm wrote on Mon Mar 21, 2011 7:44 pm:

I absolutely love the idea with the sunflowers...Thank you so much for all of your suggestions...We are going to plant strawberries, pumpkins for Halloween and hopefully melons.


DirtyDigits wrote on Tue Mar 22, 2011 12:35 am:

Toni, What a great idea for the sunflowers. My mama wove two wisteria into a tent for me when I was little... I'd go under the blooms with a blanket and lay there and read the summer days away. I think I'll keep the sunflower idea for my future grandbabies. CM good luck! You might want to try bulbs... it's still early enough they can plant in small containers to take home for Mothers day!


Jewell wrote on Sun Mar 27, 2011 6:24 pm:

These are things we did years ago when I had a daycare and my son was little:

For pumpkins you can gently carve the children's name into them and the name will grow with the pumpkin.

Have you thought about a teepee of runner beans?

The children loved eating raspberries and playing in the rows.

The edible pod peas were a really big hit and never made it to the table because the chldren would sneak them for an additional snack.

Cherry or yellow pear mini tomatoes were also a snacking delight.

Don't forget to let the children to "own" the garden by watering, and planting even if you put everything into large pots.

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